John Dillinger

  • Birth

    John Dillinger was born on June 22, 1903 in Indianapolis Indiana
  • His mother dies

    His mother dies when he is only three years old. His father, a single dad and shop owner, worked many long nights to support his family, Leaving him to be raised by his older sister.
  • Dropped out of school

    Dropped out of school
    John Dillinger dropped out of school at age 16 in 1913.
  • Period: to

    Young life

    As a young boy and early teenager he committed petty crimes around the neighborhood.
  • Better influences

    Hoping to better influence his son by a change in his scenery , his father sold his grocery store and moved to a farm in the country.
  • Joining a gang

    Joining a gang
    In 1924 Dillinger joins the Pierpont gang.
  • First robbery

    In mid 1924 he committed his first robbery at gunpoint. He robbed a local grocery store with members of his gang and was arrested.
  • Serving little time

    Serving little time
    Approximately two years after being served a 10 to 20 year sentence Dillinger is scape's prison yet again.
  • Divorced

    In mid 1929 while serving yet another prison sentence he was divorced by his wife.
  • Beginning crimes

    Having to commute to and from his new home in the country, Dillinger stole a car on July 21, 1923. He was arrested but managed to escape.
  • Another escape

    Shortly after being granted parole to see his dying stepmother in 1933, he escaped yet again to rejoin his gang and commit more crimes.
  • Period: to

    Wrath of the Pierpoint gang

    From 1933 to 1934 the Pierpoint gang committed many Midwest bank robberies throughout Indiana
  • Escaping… Again

    Escaping… Again
    In mid 1934 Dillinger was placed in jail awaiting trial for the Midwest bank robberies and escaped yet again
  • Caught

    Shortly after, in mid 1934, he was shot and killed by the FBI outside of a movie theater in Chicago Illinois.