John d rockefeller 8

John D. Rockefeller

  • Birth

    When John Rockefeller was born, he was destine to change history forever by creating one of the most successful business that Americans have every witnessed, Standard Oil. Unfortunately though, his father was not the best influence for a young boy. Being a con artist didn't help the matter either.
  • Period: to


    The time between Rockefeller was born and when he died.
  • The Move to Ohio

    The Move to Ohio
    Originally born in New York, Rockefeller and his family moved to Ohio on a small farm to search for a better life out of the big city. Also to travel away from the people his father tricked. Rockefeller though would achieve so much in Ohio on the long journey ahead.
  • First Job

    First Job
    Rockefeller wan't afraid of the labor that a job would offer. With his good work ethic he was employed at the age of 16 by Hewitt and Tuttle, commission merchant and produce shippers. In the few years he worked for the small business he increased the income by $450,000. Similar to a Birthday, Rockefeller after acquiring a job celebrated yearly his success until the day he died!
  • First Oil Refinery

    First Oil Refinery
    In 1863 Rockefeller established his first oil refinery considering the oil production's increase toward western Pennsylvania. Although Rockefeller's small business was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, it created a shorter distance to Pittsburgh which was important on the account of being profitable. Within two years Rockefeller's first refinery was the largest and most successful in his area. With the accomplishment of the refinery it lead him to turn full attention on his business.
  • Standard Oil Construction

    Standard Oil Construction
    In 1870 Rockefeller would create history by constructing Standard Oil. Rapidly, Rockefeller started to buy off his competitors. No competitors, no problems. As Standard Oil continued Rockefeller started to make important deals with the railroad for ship his oil. He became trading partners with one of the biggest railroad companies owner, Cornelius Vanderbilt.
  • Rockefeller's First Son

    Rockefeller's First Son
    Rockefeller had a son which he also named John. John worked along side his father's who would also achieve great ability. After his father died Rockefeller Jr. established the United Service Organization which would support America in WW ll. He also donated 5 million in consideration of the Lincoln Center of Performing Arts and along side that he provided funding for the Museum of Modern Art.
  • Rockefeller's Big Idea

    Rockefeller's Big Idea
    During the time, Rockefeller was gaining power at alarming rates daunting America's wealthiest men including Vanderbilt. He was now more determined than ever to protect his dominance. To save his position Vanderbilt cut all deals with Rockefeller's oil. The only problem was 70 percent of Vanderbilt's cargo was Standard Oil. Instead of losing money, Rockefeller deliberated a plan to still ship his product by constructing a pipeline covering almost the entire country.
  • First Monopoly

    First Monopoly
    Rockefeller had accomplished what any enterprise owner strives for, to created a monopoly. His trust dominated the entire oil business in the U.S. accomplishing what he intended to perform.
  • Standard Oil's Dissolution

    Standard Oil's Dissolution
    As Rockefeller continued to gain power rapidly the U.S. Congress notice his accomplishment. They were aimlessly apprehensive due to the fact that Rockefeller was gaining power appearing seemingly unstoppable. Congress wasn't fond of the dominance Rockefeller was achieving therefore stopping him in his tracts. In 1890 Standard Oil was broken into smaller companies having almost no likelihood of becoming as influential as Standard Oil once had been.
  • The Arise of Another Company

    The Arise of Another Company
    Only nine years later there was another company, created by the separation of Standard Oil, started to arise unexpectedly. With Congress still on their toes they dissolved the company also.
  • Charity Endeavors

    Charity Endeavors
    When Rockefeller retired he decided to stay active by devoting his time giving to others. As you may consider, Rockefeller's reputation was not up to it's full potential. In order to improve his appearance to the public he started to share his wealth with others. In all he gave $530 million to support various causes.
  • Death

    Rockefeller at the age of 97 unfortunately died of Arteriosclerosis which causes the hardening of the walls of arteries in the human body. Coincidentally he lost all his hair which seemingly did not return. This typically happens at an old age for which Rockefeller achieved. Although he did die John D. Rockefeller lived an successful life and changed history forever.