Jean Paul Sartre

  • The Birth Of A Playwright

    The Birth Of A Playwright
    Jean Paul Sartre was born in Paris france as an only child. His mother was Anna Marie and his father was Jean Baptiste Sartre
  • Tragedy Strikes at home

    Tragedy Strikes at home
    When Jean was just two years old, his father died of an illness he contracted in asia, he would grow without a father figure for years to come. date of death unknown
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    Sartre's childhood

    After His father's death, Sartre's mother moved back with her parents and raised him with the help of his maternal grandfather.
  • Remarriage

    When Sartre was 12 years old, his mother remarried and relocated to la rochelle.
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    Early education

    Between 1920-1924 Sartre attended the Henry IV lycee in Paris, he later transferred to La Rochelle when his mother remarried
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    College Education

    From 1924-29 Sartre went to the Ecole Normale where he earned a doctorate in philosophy
  • Sartre Meets his lover

    Sartre Meets his lover
    In 1929 Sartre met Simone de Beauvoir, she was a feminist and philosopher, and from then on they had a close companionship for the rest of their lives.
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    Teaching years before his fame

    During this period in his life, Sartre taught at the lycees in le havre, laon, and paris as a high school teacher.
  • Sartre at war

    In 1939, sartre was drafted to the french army to serve in world war II, he was taken prisoner in 1940 and was released in 1941
  • The flies

    The flies
    This is an adaptation of the electra myth, where odestes and his sister avenge the death of their father by killing their mother.
  • no exit

    no exit
    The play was published in 1944 and details the story of three people who went to hell, after a while they begin tormenting each other and the plot unravels into a chaotic mess
  • The respectful Prostitute

    The respectful Prostitute
    This play is an interesting one from the seven plays he wrote, it talks about a black man accused of raping a prostitute, and deals with racism and inequality, which were heated issues in America at the time.
  • Dirty hands

    Dirty hands
    This is a play set in the fictional country of llyra; the plot concerns the leader of the communist party hoeder, who wants to hold talks with non socialist parties to oppose the germans. However, hugo, a party member, decides this is treatory and wants to kill the leader of the party.
  • The chips are down

    The chips are down
    So I thought no exit was funny but this one is funnier. it's the story of two people destined to be soulmates, but they die without meeting each other. They meet in the afterlife but they have to take care of unsettled business, so they try doing that but then realize they must concentrate on trying to have a second chance in life.
  • The devil and the good lord

    The devil and the good lord
    The devil and the good lord is a play about the decisions of three characters during the german peasants' war, and how they went from wanting to massacre a city to utlimately deciding against it
  • The condemned of altona

    The condemned of altona
    The condemned of altona is a play that deals with german post war guilt. The plot revolves around a character who after returning from the war locks himself in his room for a decade and makes himself believe that germany was the victim of the war.
  • Sartre goes to cuba

    Sartre goes to cuba
    Sartre was an outspoken leftist and for a time held pro communist sentiments. In 1960 he decided to pay attention to the newly liberated cuba and met with Fidel castro and Comandante Guevara. He later described Guevara as the most complete man of our age, although he would go on to denounce Castro.
  • Nobel Literature prize

    Nobel Literature prize
    In the year 1964, Sartre was awarded the nobel prize for his outstanding work in literature. However, he rejected the prize because he believed that a writer provides his services to the people, and he should not become an institution.
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    Final decade

    During his final decade, he wrote a biography, a book about ethics, and did interviews He became blind and began to suffer from declining health.
  • The farewell

    Jean Paul Sartre died on april 15 1980 from a pulmonary edema, his health had been deteriorating ten years prior and he was also blind. 25,000 people attended his funeral, most of which were common people, since he resonated with the masses.