0 Months *
At 0 months : Tugay born four weeks premature, and a little underweight (4.5 lbs). He seemed healthy otherwise. A few days of neonatal care were needed to deal with jaundice. We weren’t too worries about the jaundice because it only lasted 3 days for Tugay (p99 text).
After five days, his Apgar score had come up from a six to an eight. You were able to bring Tugay home. The Apgar scale tests for appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration. Scoring 7-10 is great news! (p100) -
9 Months*
Tugay has shown his slowly developing an awareness of object permanence while playing with mommy & daddy. We placed his soccer ball under his favorite blanket, and quickly Tugay was able to find the ball! Object permanence is when a child displays an understanding that an object will continue to exist even when it is well out of sight (p149-150). -
18 Months*
Tugay is a quite the chatterbox! Mommy & daddy chatter back using slightly longer sentences, “Yes the doggie is outside.”Tugay is able to say one word at a time, holophrase (p194). He has over 50 words to share with us now! -
2 years
You notice that Tugay has some new emotions over the past few months. Looking guilty when he breaks something, and embarrassment when he has a potty accident.You realize these new emotions are related to his developing self reflection (p203). -
4 Years*
Tugay is interested in the train set we bought. He enjoys building and rebuilding it to get different arrangements. Tugay is able to balance on one foot as well, we are very pleased with his gross motor skills that have developed excellent (p236-237). Tugay has shown much preference for his right hand (developed handedness p237), while writing his name (a big improvement on his fine motor skills! p237). -
6 Years
At this age Tugay has learned from his grandmother how to make a few Turkish breads. He has learned a lot about his culture at this time as well (p244-245). Recently Tugay saw his friend at school get spanked by his mom, he came home and told us, “He’s sad because his mommy yelled at him.” (p253) Tugay also understood why his friend was in trouble, because he had lied to the teacher. -
10 Years*
Tugay is verbally adept and witty, enjoys telling jokes, stories, and riddles. We encourage Tugay to keep writing and read some of his stories to the family. We recently took a visit to the optometrist; Tugay was complaining of not being able to see the board in class. It was brought to our attention that Tugay was going to need glasses to help with his myopia (p287). -
12 Years*
Tugay is self-confident and relaxed in social situations. He has some close friends, and seems to be somewhat a leader in the group; he is not pushy or overbearing. We believe that Tugay has a pretty good “social status” among his friends, and may even be part of the “popular children” sector (p321). Tugay has excellent social skills (p321) and is quite helpful towards others. We learned that Tugay’s friend’s family is having some financial problems, and Tugay has been sharing his lunch. -
14 Years
I have seen changes in Tugay both cognitively and physically. He is going through puberty! He enjoys the caring of his new mustache. His voice has also changed to quite a low tone (346). Tugay shared with me that his new girlfriend (who is athletically fit) sees herself as overweight. He noticed that she started to go to the bathroom during meals frequently, then followed her and heard her throw up. He told me and I taught him about the word bulimia. Bulimia is binge eating then purging 350. -
16 Years
Tugay has experienced cyberbullying from his school. (Cyberbully is bullying via electronic means, mainly through internet p377) I am shocked to hear this from his teachers instead directly from him. When I questioned Tugay he said that he solved the issue by not responding and changing his online name to something only close friends knew. I am proud how well Tugay handled this situation, I wish he told me upfront about the problem and not hear it from an outside source.