isriel timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    God created the heavens and the earth he made many things. He made light ,animals,plants,land and humans. It talks about how God wonderfully created us. It also demonstrates his great power over everything.
  • 2349 BCE

    The Flood

    The Flood
    God flooded the Earth because there was sin. Noah was righteous and obeyed God and built an ark. The animals came male and female to the ark. There was a lot of wickedness in the world and so God needed it to be restarted with a righteous people.
  • 2166 BCE


    Abraham was a loyal man to God and did many good things. He also had a son at a very old age. God made a promise with Abraham that he would have more ancestors than stars. he also helped other people know how to worship God.
  • 1728 BCE

    Joseph Sold into slavery

    Joseph Sold into slavery
    Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Later he was put in jail in Egypt Joseph was in jail for years and pharaoh had a dream. And he could decipher the dream and became vazier
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the Exodus

    Moses and the Exodus
    The Israelite's were enslaved in Egypt and were forced to work. God told Moses to save them there were 10 plagues. The importance of the exodus is it shows Gods great power. It also shows his great love for his people
  • 1445 BCE

    The Ten Commandments

    The Ten Commandments
    Moses climes up mt.siani and talked to God. God gave him his law. God wants his people to be kind. he wanted them to be different than other people
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan Begins

    Settling Canaan Begins
    The Israelites needed to take over Canan. God helped by parting the Jordan river and they won. This story tells us to trust God. It also tells us if we trust we will be happy.
  • 1011 BCE

    David (1011-971)

    David (1011-971)
    King David took king Sauls place as king. David had a long and successful reign Isriel more than doubled in size. The Davidic covenant made him be remembered. David was a good king he repented from his sins. He also led the people towards God.
  • 971 BCE

    Solomon and Building the Temple (971-931)

    Solomon and Building the Temple (971-931)
    Solomon built a giant temple. With the decorations made out of gold and precious stones. The temple is important because it represents his wealth. And his amount of power.
  • 931 BCE

    The Kingdom Divided

    The Kingdom Divided
    The kingdom divided when Rehoboam was a strict king. Ten tribes went north and two went south. The importance is that Isriel divided. It also brought in the worship of false gods
  • 722 BCE

    Assyrian Conquest

    Assyrian Conquest
    The people of Isriel were becoming wicked. So God had the Assyrian empire conquer them. This shows how time and time again people forget about God. And how God is forgiving and loving.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah

    Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah
    Sennacherib attacked Hezikiah and lost. God helped the Hezikiah. It shows how powerful God is. It also shows his grace.
  • 605 BCE


    Danial could interpret dreams and received visions. he also had great faith for God. The importance of Daniel is that he did lots of things for God. He also showed all is possible in the lion's den.
  • 586 BCE

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah
    The Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in was a watershed event in the history of Judah, the end of the monarchy and the beginning of the exilic period. It is important because the people of Isriel had to relocate. They also had to reconquer their land.
  • 586 BCE

    The Exile

    The Exile
    This period is called the Exile in Jewish history it ends with an accident in 538 when the Persians overthrow the Chaldeans. Nebuchadnezzar the king of the Chaldeans only deported the most prominent citizens of Judah professional's priests craftsmen and the wealthy. The Babylonian Exile marks an epochal dividing point in Old Testament history The reality of exile was the backdrop of Ezekiel’s prophecy.
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great
    Cyris the great became king in 559.he ruled over many parts of the world. He was a very powerful ruler and did many great things. He had a big impact on the world too.