Civil War in England (world event)
he was born on christmas -
The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming Dynasty.(world event)
The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War. (world event)
The death of Miyamoto Musashi, legendary Japanese Samurai warrior of natural causes. (world event)
entered trinity college
in college he began to study science and was really fascinated by it and wanted to learn more. -
moved back to woolsthorpe
trinity college closed so he moved back to woolsthorpe only for 18 months until he got into writing books about science. -
published his first book
the book was called the "principia" -
The Grand Alliance sought to stop French expansion during the Nine Years War. (world event)
left cambridge
he left cambridge to become a warden. -
he published another book
the book was called "the opticks" -
published the second edition of "the principia"
he also published two other books called "regulae philosiphandi" and the second one was called "scholium generale". -
his partner leibniz died
started getting into chronoligy and theoligy
he wrote a book called "chronoligy of ancient kingdoms" that actually wasnt ready for publication at the time and didnt get published until he died. -
his death
The Grand Alliance sought to stop French expansion during the Nine Years War. (world event)