Pythagoras of Samos
Pythagoras was a greek mathmatician that livied between 570 to 496 BC. He was the founder of one of the first groups to actually study and try the advance mathmatics. He is credited with creating the pythagoian theorem. Unlike alot of the ancient math theories this was based on gemoetery and helped make the study of math a world wide thing. He also created the tetractys which is a triangular type figure with four rows that add up to the number 10. -
Euclid of Alexandria
A greek mathmatician and philosopher alive during 300 BC. He is contributed with inventing geometry. He wrote something called the elements which was not completely his own work and had the ideas of other mathmaticians but was the first framework to have it all togather in a single piece of literature. He also made a system of proofs that is still used today. -
Rene Descartes
Rene was a French Mathmatician, Philospher and scientist. His most important mathmatics contribution was his development of analytical geometry. He invented putting x,y or z in the unknown parts of an equation and he invented the the notaion that uses superscripts to shows powers or exponents. He disproved many of the ideas during his time such as saying a squared could only represent area but he said it could be both length and area. His work helped lead to the developement of calculus. -
Wilhelm Liebnez
Wilhelm was a German mathmatician and philosopher that accoplished many things in math. He was also part of a controversy because both he and Isaac Newton released a book saying how they discovered calaculus which was never trully solved even after Wilhelm died. He also was the fisrt person to create concepts from a curve like a tangent and perpendicualar. He also created the Gaussiam Elimination wh which allows you to find the solution of a linear equation. -
Isaac Newton
Was and english physicist and mathmatician and is a key figure of the scientific revolution. Isaac Newton made many dicoveries that revolve around the field of mathmatics but he is contributed with developing calculus. His work mainly used calculus in a gemoetric form based on limiting values of the rstios of the ratios of vanishing small equations. He released a book that describe and showed all of his work and is considered today to be a book that is dense with theory. -
Leonhard Euler
He is considered one the greatest contributers to the field of mathmatics. He contributed to geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebram, and number theory. He actually has two number named after him: eulers number or e and eulers constant. He introduced the idea of a function, the inverse tangent function, exponetial function, logarithms and created Eulers formula. -
Bernhard Riemann
Bernhard is a German mathmatician who contributed to number theory, analysis and differential geometry. During his time not alot of his work was accepted or really considered because there was not alot of people that could actually understand his math. It was not until after his death the his work was accepted. He also developed Riemannian Geometry which shows the correct way to extend into the differential geometry of surfaces. He also discovered how to describe the properties of a manifold. -
Carl Gauss
Carl Gauss was a German Mathmatician that was exreemly smart and contributed to many fields. One of the things that he did was solve the fundemental theorem of algebra that prooves variable polynomials has atleast one complex root. Ither people had made false proofs but he disproved all of them. He also developed the theories about binary and and ternary quadratic formulas. -
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