
  • Julian is born

    And thus begins the life of Julian Alecio Hamlet, the 3rd stepchild belonging to Kirk Anthony Hamlet Sr. and Kuan-Yin Therese Hamlet. The first stepchild being Alexis Victoria Hamlet, 3rd being Korin Joseph Hamlet. Now the family tree here is very confusing, Kirk Hamlet had two children prior to meeting Kuan-Yin, Dain and Damon. They both already had children before meeting. When they finally met and married in the late 90s, they had one final child in 2001.
  • Birthplace

    New York City, New York
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    First went to school in Newburgh, New York. was homeschooled at first and then moved onto grade school in 1996. Went to Heritage Junior High, and attended North Atlanta High School and graduated from Lithia Springs
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    Childhood Years

    Julian's childhood was rough, and it was much of the same during his teenage years. He didn't fit in, didn't like being at home because he would be constantly beaten and ignored, wasn't good at any sports, got in a lot of trouble. He simply seemed to believe that trouble would follow him wherever he went.
  • Sibling is born

    Korin Joseph Hamlet, Julian's younger brother and punching bag, was born in the summer of 1994.
  • Kirk is born

    In the fall of 2001, Julian's favorite sibling finally arrived on the scene. They would both participate in endeavors to make Korin's life suck. The two are inseparable partners in crime.
  • Military Experience

    This is by far Julian's most influential event in his life. By joining the army he realized that he was not made for conformity or structure in normal society and never looked back.
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    Julian's adulthood is much better than his childhood, he has matured and put his troubled past behind him. He is a teacher and part-time amateur MMA fighter, his goal is to one day join the UFC and become a professional fighter
  • Dream Job

    Julian did not know what he wanted to be as a child, he is currently a Amateur fighter and teacher, and aspires to be Professional Fighter