Human Relations History

  • Robert Owen

    His voice helped reform the working conditons in the factorys. He stoped factorys from hiring young kids for labor.
  • The Philosophy of Manufactures-Andrew Ure

    Wroit the book The Pilosophy of Manufactures. It said that workers needed help with medical health and some time for tea, beater ventalation and sick leave.
  • Knights of Labor

    It was much like the unions that would come in later in time. Fought to improve the working conditons.
  • Frank & Lillian Gilbrath

    Lillian Gilbrath fought frot chiled labor laws. They were later know as The First Lady Manegemant. Frank Saw that bricklaying took 18 motions. He redused them to five which instentsl increased procuction.
  • Classical School of Management

    It was created by Henri Fayol. It has three brances scientific, buracuratic and administrative managemant.
  • Frederick Taylor

    He and otheres began the movement know as scientific management. He often was tought of caring for the production more then the workers.
  • Mary Parker Follett

    She is know for her writings on what is know human relation issues. She was know for teaching three conceps. First was that workers had to be more involed in what affects them. The second was that if the work place had some inflexable rule it could be harmful for the work place. The third is that maneger in any leve must have a positive realation with the worker
  • Max Weber

    He introdueced ruels and reagulation which end favortiom and inotesome in a company.
  • Optima Shovel-"One Beast Way"

    He made a shove for large cinders and a shove for coal.
  • Elton Mayo

    He studyed the Hawthorne Experiment. He found that naturaly caused relatiships in the the work place helped impromve the production.
  • Wagner Act

    It gave unions more rights and lead to the development of beter working contrackts.
  • Henri Foyol

    He is one of the fathers of moder managment. He belived there were six main functuns of managment and 14 principalas of managment. Some of them were planing, controling and organizing.
  • Group Dynamics

    It was studyed by Kurt Lewin. He wanted to find out how people worked with each other.
  • Results Only Work Enviorment

    It is an organisation that first priority is human relations stratigy. It was started by Cail Resselr and Jody Thomson.
  • Conflict Manegmant

    It is when diffrent groups work with each other in order to reach a comen goal.
  • Douglas McGreagor Theroy X and Theroy Y

    In the 1960 he wroit The Human Side of Enterprise. It was thouth to be a very important book. He also intrudeced the X and Y Theroy. The X therory states that workers wanted security above all else. The Y theroy states that managers saw workers as quite creative and assumed responsibily.
  • Eric Berne and Transeactanal Analysous meathod and Carl Rogers

    He is famous for creating the Transeatanal Analysous meathod. It alowed people to understand intepersonal comunicaton. It was printed by Carl Rogers
  • W. Edwareds Daming and TQW

    He intruduced the Total Quality Managment. It made the companies pout the working conditouns a top prioryte
  • scientfic Manegment

    It is maximaiysing production thought efficincy.