Howie Mandel's OCD

  • Beginning of Howie's Life

    Howie thought that the way he was living was normal and had no idea that he even had OCD or what it even meant. The idea of having the disorder never crossed his mind. He lived his life avoiding germs and checking the locked door multiple times to make sure it was locked. This was just life to him and he never thought of having a disorder.
  • Mid Life Crisis

    Howie frequently met with a therapist for other personal reasons. His therapist told him one day that his behavior and actions are the symptoms of OCD. He had no idea what OCD even was or that is was a condition he could have. He figured that he was obsessive and compulsive and it was obviously a disorder.
  • Working With OCD Today

    Howie found ways to cope with his OCD. Living with it is definitely something that he doesn't enjoy, but finds ways to work with it instead of dwelling on the fact that he was diagnosed with a condition/disorder.