Euclid of Alexandra 325-265 B.C.
Best know for his 13 book treatise "The Elements" collecting the theorems of Phythagoras, Hippocrates, Theaetetus, Eudoxus and other predecessors into a logically connected whole. -
Plato 427-347 B.C.
He develop a theory of forms, in his book "Phaedo", which considers mathematical objects as perfect forms (such as a line having but no breadth). -
Hippocrates of Chios 470-410 B.C.
He wrote the first "Elements of Geometry" which Euclid may haved used as a model for his own Books I and II more than a hundred years. -
Jul 23, 624
Thales Of Miletus 624-547 B.C.
He brought the science of geometry from Egypt to Greece. Discovery of 5 facts of elementary geometry (including that an angel in a semi-circle is a right angle). -
They made geometry understandable to people and they made our life easier to learn geometry. -
Mrs. Lumbre and I
Mrs. Lumbre teaches us geometry the way the 6 mathematicians made how geometry works in our life. -
Pythagoras of Samos 569-475 B.C.
He is credited with proving many theorems such as the angles of a triangle summing to 180 degrees, and the infamous "Pythagorean Theorem" for a right angled triangle. -
Archimedes of Syracuse 287-212 B.C.
He is the greatest Greek mathematician and an inventor of many mechanical devices like screw, pully and lever. He is know as the "Father of Mechanics".