330 BCE
Status Quo
Zeus committed adultery against Hera with a Greek woman name Alcmene, her husband was away and impregnated her with Hercules. Displeased with Zeus, Hera got vengeance on Zeus by punishing Hercules. Hera filled Hercules with a rage that made him kill Megara, his wife, and their two children -
328 BCE
Call To Adventure
After the temporary madness wore off, Hercules saw the terror that he caused. Wanting to atone for his sins, Hercules went to the god, Apollo, in Delphi, who instructed him to perform 10 heroic labors, which eventually turned into 12. Hercules then went to the city of Tiryns, where he will be under the rule of King Eurystheus. -
326 BCE
With his friend, Iolaus' help, Hercules defeated the Lernean Hydra in his second labor.
The god, Diana, granted Hercules mercy for hurting the Ceryneian Hind and healed the hind in his third labor.
In his sixth labor, the god, Athena, granted Hercules a pair of Kotalas to drive away the Stymphalian Birds.
In the eighth labor, Abderos watched the Man-Eating Horses of Diomedes while Hercules fought the Bistones with the assistance of his band of volunteers. -
323 BCE
In the event that Hercules had to capture Cerberus for his twelfth labor, he had to depart from the ordinary world into the underworld that was in control of Hades. -
321 BCE
When Hercules was ready for his final labor, number 12, he found it to be the most difficult. King Eurystheus thought that Hercules most likely would not end up victorious. When Hercules headed to the Underworld, he asked Pluto if he could leave with Cerberus. Cerberus agreed if Hercules used his own brute force to defeat Cerberus, he would be able to take him. Cerberus had three heads of wild dogs, a dragon or serpent for a tail, and heads of snakes all over his back. -
321 BCE
Hercules was already a famous warrior and hero before the journey of the 12 labors. With help from various family members, friends, and gods, Hercules overcame these challenges without much problem. However, the darkest moment of this hero's journey is the reason he had to complete the 12 labors to atone for his sins. The moment Hercules was filled with a temporary rage by Hera, which led to him killing his family, devastated Hercules. -
319 BCE
Hercules completed 10 of his labors to atone for his sins, but under King Eurystheus' orders, Hercules must complete 2 more labors. This was caused by Hercules getting help from his nephew, Iolaus to kill the Lernean Hydra in his second labor, as well as Hercules soliciting payment for cleaning the Augean Stables in his fifth labor from King Augeas. -
316 BCE
Hercules was promised immortality by Apollo, once he finished all the 12 labors under King Eurystheus' orders. Hercules finished these nearly impossible feats with the help of Hermes and Athena. After 12 years of punishment and suffering, Hercules was immortal. -
314 BCE
After Hercules completed his 12 labors to atone for his sins, he was rendered as the greatest hero that Greece has ever seen. This type of fame and the godly ability of immortality changed his life forever. -
311 BCE
When Hercules returned from the underworld to the ordinary world, after completing his 12 labors, Hercules did not relax and come anything short of being a hero. He rescued the princess of Troy from a hungry sea-monster and helped his father, Zeus defeat the Giants in a great battle for the control of Olympus. -
305 BCE
New Life
Hercules got married a second time to a beautiful woman named Deianira. -
300 BCE
Hercules seemed to have no guilt left in him after killing Megara and their 2 children. He atoned for his sins and all was good, which was evident when Hercules got married a second time. -
Period: 300 BCE to 330 BCE
Hercules' Lifespan