Birth and Childhood
Hector Hugo Munro was born in Akyab, Burma (present-day Myanmar) in 1870. He grow up in Barnstaple New Devon, England with his 2 aunts and mother. His family frequently traveled so Munro never had the opportunity to interact with other children. -
Munro was a sick child and was never strong enough to go to school. He was finally sent to Exmouth school at age 12 where he studied for the next few years. -
Burma Police Force
Munro followed in his father's foot steps by joining the Burma police force. From his work on the force, he developed the mindset that service workers were the true representation of traditional England. This idea is evident throughout his satires on Edwardian England. -
Return to England
Munro returned to England with a severe case of Maleria. Once cured, Munro began work at the Westminster Gazette writing political satires. All of his work was published under the pseudonym Saki, which he retained for the rest of his career. -
Rise of the Russian Empire is Published
Rise of the Russian Empire was Munro's first novel to be published and it was also his only non-fiction work. -
Munro's most noted short story, Tobermory, was published in 1909. This story is a prime example of Munro's satirical writing style and his criticism of Edawrdian social standerds. -
Munro was killed by a sniper bullet in 1916, at the Battle of Somme in France. After his death, his sister burned many of his literary works, but his writing legacy could never be destroyed.