Challenge to Health Triangle
Mike is struggling with his physical health. He is really lazy and never does anything. All he does is play video games. He is really out of shape, but one day his friend comes over and asks if he would like to play football with him and some other friends. Mike accepts the offer, he runs around and is finally getting active. Mike and his buddys play almost everyday, his physical health is gets alot better. Soon he has lost weight and doesnt play so many video games. -
Mike's Health Goal
One day Mike decided he was gonna do a 5k race to raise money for cancer. He wasn't very good at running long distances but he was determined to be able to finish this race. He ran everyday, a little farther each day, and by the time his race day came he was able to run the 5k with ease. He was proud of himself, and he had accomplished his goal. -
A Stressful Event occur
Mike is stressed out because his grandpa is very sick. He is very close to his grandpa, they spend a lot of time together and enjoy it. He cries and is stressed. In the next weeks he is having a difficult time concentrating during school and is very irritable, this is a result of his stress. Mike seeks out help to cope with this stress, he visits his counselor at school a couple days a week and this helps him get through the stressful times. -
Mike begins puberty
In midyear 2007 Mike started noticing changes to his body. He had begun puberty. Sex characteristics begin to develop, body hair appears. The cerebrum continues to develop, increasing memory and cognition. Mike knew all of these changes were normal, and understood that he was growing up. -
Best friends start drinking on the weekends
Mike goes to chill with his friends on the weekend. When he gets there he sees them drinking. Mike says "What are you guys doing!?!" They tell him they do it all the time. Mike knows that alcohol is terrible for your body, and they are underaged that makes it worse. Mike tells them that alcohol could could cause brain damage and loss of function. He also tells them about the damages it could cause to the cardiovascular system like heart damage and high blood pressure. Mike's friends stopdrinking -
A significant loss occurs
Mike's grandpa's sickness that he had in 2010 has eventually caused him to pass away. When it first happened he was in denial and felt very numb. Later on after his passing Mike began accepting the outcome. He can now remember happy times with his grandpa. -
Family disease
Mike finds out his family has a history of heart disease. He knows his family needs to eat healthier. If they eat healthier their cholesterol will go down, so will their blood pressure. Also if they handle their food correctly bacteria wont be a danger. So by eating better foods Mikes family woud lessen their chances by a little bit. -
Relative smokes once again
On March 11, Mike and his family go to visit his aunt and uncle. His aunt is doing good, but his uncle is starting his smoking habit once again. Mike is very concerned by this, so he wants to help and get his uncle to quit. He tells his uncle about how smoking could cauase Lung cancer. He also tells him about the risk of getting chronic bronchitis. Lastly he tells him about how smoking increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Mikes uncle eventually quits once again because he knows -
Mike takes the keys from his friend
One day Mike and his buddy go out to dinner at a sports bar. Mikes buddy is a little older than him, hes 22. During dinner Mikes buddy has a few drinks, he becomes intoxicated. Mike tells him that he is going to drive them home. When his buddy asks why Mike tells him that he could possibly injure himself or someone else, or even kill someone. Or he could possibly recieve jail time if he was pulled over. So it was safer for Mike to drive. -
Stay home from school for a week
Mike gets really sick one day. He has the flu so he wont go to school for the week. His family helps treat it by letting him rest. They also give him over the counter medicines like fever reducers, antihistamines, decongestants, and night time cough medicine. As a family the decide next year, to prevent the flu, they would get flu shots. They also said they'd wash hands frequently and they would disinfect surfaces weekly. -
Mike pledges to be abstinent
One day Mike and his parents were having a chat. His parents were telling him about all the benefits of being abstinent. They told him about the lessened chances of getting heart or lung disease, and how it was the only 100% preventable way to not get STD's. They also told him that while being abstinent he is less likely to commit crimes or be a victim of violent crimes. After hearing these facts Mike pledged to stay abstinent.