Hatchet Final Assignment LI

  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Event 1: Plane Crash
    This is an important scene in the book because the pilot had had a heart attack. Brian had been taught how to fly the plane a tiny bit. When he unfroze, he put his hands on the wheel and tried to fly but he just could not get it down. Brian knew that he would have to crash in some way. He decided to use all his gas but carefully or else he would just plop down. He pulled the wheel to go up, but then he pushed which brought him down. Brian had crashed in the lake safely.
  • Bear Encounter

    Bear Encounter
    Event 2: Bear Encounter
    Brian had been near his shelter trying to find berries, he finally found the berries he was looking for. Brians senses something nearby. Brian then slowly turned around then there it was standing there right in front of Brian. It was a Bear! Brian was frightened, he froze as soon as he saw the bear. Brian stood there thinking he would die, thinking he would be eaten alive. The bear had been studying and staring at Brian. Then suddenly, the bear stands down and leaves.
  • Porcupine Attack

    Porcupine Attack
    Event 3:Attack!
    Brian, after getting back from his search for berries, is going to sleep. Before he goes to sleep, he remembers about the bear and puts his hatchet beside him. During the night Brian woke up because he heard a sound. Brian is afraid that it might be the bear, then he hears where the sound is coming from. He throws his hatchet but misses. He stands up but then he gets shot with sharp needles. He inspects them, and we find out that the animal was a porcupine.
  • Fire

    Event 4: Fire Brian finds out that when he threw his hatchet at the rock, he made sparks. He gets an idea that he could possibly make fire which he will need because he will need to cook food and he must think about winter weather. Then Brian tries to go find some food/fuel for the fire to get going. He then starts swinging at the rock to try and make the fire, but it just would not budge. He then thinks about his science class when he was taught to make a fire.
  • First Fish

    First Fish
    Event 5: First fish Brian is starting to get tired of berries and wants more and his first idea is fish. He decides to make a fish spear by using his hatchet to carve it out of a branch. He then tries to spear some fish but has no luck since he has been doing it for hours. He then thinks why he does not try to make a bow. He thinks that it would be easier and that it would be more efficient. He carves one out of wood and he uses his shoelaces as the string for the bow. He finally has his fish.
  • Search Plane

    Search Plane
    Event 6: Search Plane Brian, who was searching for berries, hears an engine he looks up and sees a Search Plane. He rapidly drops his things and runs to the signal fire he made. He then arrives at the fire and sends a smoke signal. It was too late, he lost hope, he told himself that the only chance he had of escaping was that plane and he blew it. The plane that had been there seconds ago was already gone it had happened so fast.
  • Moose Rampage

    Moose Rampage
    Event 7: Moose Rampage Brian has just caught a fool Bird. He goes to wash his hands in the lake when suddenly he hears a sound behind him. When he turns around he finds himself face to face with a cow moose. Brian, who had caught a fool bird had no expectations of this happening. In total surprise Brian gets a hard hit right in his stomach. While getting hit with rapid attacks he starts to feal a pain in his ribs. He looses all his stuff and is worried that he will never get it back.
  • Tornado!

    Event 8: Tornado During the night Brian is awoken by a strange noise. He looks outside and spots a tornado bearing down at him and his shelter. Brian is helpless and looses his shelter and launches his supplies away intp the lake where they sink and are lost forever and ever. Brian now has to start over from scratch but he is determined to do so. He says to God, “Is that all you can throw at me.” Brian shows us that he has changed and that he is not afraid anymore of a bear, a moose, twisters.
  • Survival Kit

    Survival Kit
    Brian, after the tornado had gone to find some materials, suddenly he spotted the tail of the plane peeking outside of the water. Brian in that instant is shocked because he knows that potentially there might be a survival kit in the tiled plane. After he spots the plane tail, Brian thinks about building a raft. Brian knows that to build a raft he needs lots of log and some rope or string, these are resources that Brian does not have.
  • Saved

    Brian finds an emergency transmitter in the survival kit. Brian tries to talk to someone but he does not get a single word out of it. He was starting to get used to the wilderness anyways since he had been there for a total of 54 days. Brian was using his cooking set, cooking some food and some juice. Suddenly in the distance he hears a engine, then there it was the rescue plane it had heard Brian. Brian finally gets saved. He asks the pilot if he wanted anything and then gets saved.