Hatchet by crew scott block 5

  • The secret

    He knows that his mom cheted on his dad. Then demaned a devors.
  • Heart attace

    The pilot has a heart attace and dies. He is left to fly the plane.
  • plane down

    he flis the plane intill it runs out of gas. Then he glides the plane into a small lake. which he lives and leves the plane and swim to shore.
  • blood thersty bugs

    When he wakes up he gets coverd in blood sucking miscetos.He tries touse his wind braker but thay find holes. Finlly thay go away when the sun comes out.
  • sheleter

    After two days he decids to make a little sheleter under a little over of rock.whit long branches for walls and a little opening so he can get in and out.
  • bear

    he finds a beary pach which has not a only bearys but a bear . luckly it walks aways.
  • porcupine

    Came in his shelter in the middle of the night.it got him when he thout the hatech.
  • Fire

    the night when the porcupine came kwhen he through the hatchet it hit some rock and made a sark. the next morning he made fire by hiting the hatchet agenst the stone in to some tender tree scrapins.
  • eggs

    When he wakes up from hereing a nosie in the night he finds some sand moved around. He dug some and found 17 turtel eggs .
  • resuc plane???

    He hears a plane runs to light the bound fire but he is to late. Theplane tuns around and dose not see the fire.
  • scunk

    it spras him in the face.then eats his eggs.
  • first feast

    he eats 20 fish in 1 day.
  • moose

    it comes run out of the woods and hits him deep in the lake.then he trys toget out he gits hit agan.finnaly he mannegs to crall out of the lake and as fast as it came it left.
  • tornato

    it came and destrod his house and his fish pond.
  • svival pack

    he finds it in the plane and it has so much stofe and he thinks he is rick.
  • ruscue!!!

    a plane lanes and picks him up.