
Harry Houdini

By HB10544
  • Harry's Birth

    Harry's Birth
    http://www.winmarkcom.com/images/rymagic.jpg Harry Houdini was born on March 24,1874 in Budapest, Hungary. With the parents Mayer Weisz and Cecilia Steiner. He was born with the name Ehrich Weisz.
  • Coming to America

    Coming to America
    Ehrich and his family came to America
  • Ehrich, the Prince of the Air!

    Ehrich, the Prince of the Air!
    At age 9, Ehrich performed his first in front of audience erformance. He was hanging from a trapeze that hung from a tree.
  • Beginning of Magic

    Ehrich and his brother Theo took interest in magic.
  • Name Changing

    Name Changing
    Ehrich Weisz came to America, he wanted to change his name so his last name came from his favortie magician Robert Houdin.When Ehrich started performing magic before small groups, he added an “i” to the end of his hero’s name and called himself “Houdini.” The “Harry” is most likely an American version of his childhood nickname Ehrie.
  • Running Away From Home

    Running Away From Home
    At age 12, Ehrich ran away from home and hopped on a freight car that took him to Kansas City.
  • Performing

    Harry Houdini began his professional career at age 17 doing magic shows before civic groups, in music halls, at sideshows, and at New York’s Coney Island amusement park, where he sometimes performed 20 shows each day
  • Magic Partner, and Wife

    Magic Partner, and Wife
    This changed when Harry met Beatrice Raymond, a teenaged singer and dancer who was also attempting a career in show business. Harry and Bess married in 1894 and Bess joined the act as Harry’s new partner. Harry and Bess remained devoted companions for the rest of his life.
  • Metamorphosis

    <a href='http://http://www.compumagic.com/magic/illusions/Meta.jpg' >http://www.compumagic.com/magic/illusions/Meta.jpg</aI In 1895, the Houdinis joined the Welsh Brothers Circus for six months. Harry did magic, Bess sang and danced, and together they performed a trick called “Metamorphosis,” in which they switched places in a locked trunk.
  • Circus

    http://th823.photobucket.com/albums/zz154/drdbrown/th_circus-tent.gif</a> In 1895, the Houdinis joined the Welsh Brothers Circus for six months.
  • Fame!

    <a href='http://http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMuhqV3iXB2f4B76GAQgdFIcT96ZBR81eCgpus6eZUOzW-rNecFg' >http://t1.gstatic.com/imagesBy the time Houdini returned to the United States in 1905, he was an international celebrity. Among the stunts performed to publicize his American appearances, Houdini escaped from the prison cell that held the assassin of President James Garfield, squirmed from a straitjacket while hanging upside down, and broke free from a packing crate that had been nailed shut and immersed underwater
  • Magic for Soldiers

    Magic for Soldiers
    <a href='http://http://www.campaigniran.org/casmii/files/images/soldiers.jpg'
    When America entered the First World War in 1917, Houdini tried to enlist in the army, but was rejected as being too old at age 43. Unable to fight, Houdini preformed free shows for service men, during which he would produce five dollar gold pieces from the air and toss them to the audience. He claimed to have distributed $7,000 in that manner. Houdini also organized shows in support of Liberty Bonds to help finance th
  • No Sleep

    No Sleep
    <a href='http://http://www.drchiodo.com/Pages/disorders/images_anklesprains/21_medial_ankle_sprain.jpg'
    By the time they reached the next stop, Albany, New York, Houdini had gone three nights without sleep, his only rest coming from brief naps. Then, during the Albany show, the frame holding his leg in place for the Chinese water torture jerked, causing his ankle to break. Used to performing with smaller injuries, Houdini refused medical care
  • Getting Worse

    Getting Worse
    <a href='http://http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/thermometer_clip1.png'
    October 24, despite chills and sweating, Houdini moved on to Detroit, Michigan. Once there, Houdini finally saw a doctor, who urged that he immediately go to the hospital.Only after completing the show did Houdini finally agree to enter the hospital. When doctors operated, they found that his appendix had burst
  • Harry's Death

    Harry's Death
    <a href='http://http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/thermometer_clip1.png'
    Harry Houdini died on New York on October 31, 1926.