
George Washington Timeline

By JiHLily
  • George Washington Is Born

    George Washington Is Born
    George Washington was born in Creek Plantation, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His family was fairly wealthy since his dad was a prosperous planter.
  • Washington Looses His Dad

    Washington Looses His Dad
    Washington’s dad died when he was 11. As soon as his dad passed, he dropped off from school and help with farming.
  • Washington Become Slave Owner

    Washington Become Slave Owner
    After Washington's dad passed away with a 280-acre farm, this was too much for just his family to farm. He wills 10 slaves that can work in farming.
  • Washington's First Ever Job

    Washington's First Ever Job
    Washington had his first job at age 17 as a surveyor in the Shenandoah Valley where he was expected to work privately.
  • First Military Career in French and Indian War

    First Military Career in French and Indian War
    Washington started his first military career in the French and Indian War. The first task given to him was to tell the French troops to leave.
  • Start of Politic Career

    Start of Politic Career
    George Washington was nominated to the Virginia House of Burgesses to represent Frederick County.
  • Marries to Martha Custis

    Marries to Martha Custis
    George Washington marries a woman called Martha Custis. In April, his wife and stepchildren moved into his house in Mount Vernon.
  • Move into Mount Vernon

    Move into Mount Vernon
    George Washington rents Mount Vernon from his sister in law.
  • Become a Commander in Chief

    Become a Commander in Chief
    Washington became a commander in chief to play a role as a leader in the American Revolution
  • Goes to the Valley Forge

    Goes to the Valley Forge
    Valley Forge was where George Washington and his troops spent the winter. That winter was brutally cold and the soldiers didn't have enough food, clothes, or heat.
  • Washington Resigns as a Commander in the Army.

    Washington Resigns as a Commander in the Army.
    George Washington and his American Troops won the American Revolution. They were finally free from England. Washington went back home in Mount Vernon
  • Started to Deeply Wonder About The Slavery

    Started to Deeply Wonder About The Slavery
    Washington privately indicated that he no longer want to be a slaveowner, that he did not want to buy and sell slaves or split up enslaved families, and that he advocated a plan for gradual abolition. However, he avoided discussing the subject in public, thinking that these arguments about slavery would rip the country apart.
  • Draft U.S. Constitution

    Draft U.S. Constitution
    George Washington was an important figure in the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787. As president, he established rules in the executive branch of the new administration.
  • Become the First President

    Become the First President
    George Washington is elected as the first president of America. His inauguration took place in New York City, the country's first-ever capital.
  • Re-elected as a President

    Re-elected as a President
    Washington was chosen as a president two times. This time, his inauguration was in Philadelphia which was the capital city after 1790.
  • Retire from the Presidency

    Retire from the Presidency
    After 8 years of being a president, Washington thought it was time to pass it to another person. He returned to Mount Vernon, and John Adams became the second president after Washington
  • Washington Expressed Abolishing Slavery In His Will

    Washington Expressed Abolishing Slavery In His Will
    Though the fact that he has been an enslaver for 56 years, Washington grappled with the system of slavery and expressed that he wish to abolish it in his will. In his will, Washington decided to release all of the enslaved persons he held before he died.
  • RIP George Washington

    RIP George Washington
    Washington dies from a throat infection at age of 67. He dies at Mount Vernon and is buried there.
  • One Dollar Bill

    One Dollar Bill
    George Washington's face started to appear on one-dollar bill. He was representing America even after his death.