70 포인뜨

George Washington Summative Timeline Project

  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Was born in Virginia
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    Enter public service at the young age of 17,becoming a government surveyor.
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    Joined the colonial militia(volunteer army)
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    Go ahead and fight for the French and Indian war.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    George Washington married Martha Curtis
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Text said “great poetical Talents” and invited her to visit his headquarters
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    Enter and fight for a revolutionary war
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    He said that “I wish to get quit of negroes” yes he used slavery before he die for economy but he also don’t want to use them
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    Win for the battle of New York town.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    Made bill of rights
  • First president

    First president
    I upload the picture because I can't upload picture on time span ..
  • Period: to

    Political Career

    First president of United State
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    He get 2 term of president but he can have greed to want to be more than 2 term but I think he don’t have greed for that side because he made rule like that
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Washington had to belive that slavery needed to end.
    After he die, he made slavery free.(It can greed but there are quite lot of people who disagree to not use slavery so by pressure he can’t disagree either. So he made slavery freely when he died because he hasn’t something to afraid after die maybe I don’t really know what he mean. )
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    He was buried at Mount Vernon.(it mean died)
  • Period: to


    Washington’s estate is a national historic landmark
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    It can be kind of legacy but I will just do It he is the first African American to be shown on a US postage stamp and coin.
  • lagacy

    The pillars were settled so the base on that country can operate and can also research where he lived so we can analyze and become better.
  • lagacy

    You can give new sprouts pride by settle monument example If there are person who made really great work for whole citizen I would be also pride that I’m their citizen. (monument to remember his job).
  • lagacy

    Make people inspired about his job and make people respectful, made free from British so It can also be legacy that he remains for forever.