George Brown Sheppard

  • pt. 1

    George Brown Sheppard said that the day in Crusy passed very quietly and there was nothing heard from the outside world, but at 11 o’clock a messenger came on his motorcycle and took the major back to town, and shortly after George Brown Sheppard and his “crew” received orders to let the troops rest and report to officers meeting under a nearby tree.
  • pt. 2

    After a while, the major returned to town and gave them orders to prepare for a journey with utmost speed. They got no explanation, but they took it for granted that the division was to be rushed to the battlefront.
  • the rats pt. 1

    George Brown Sheppard was trying to go to sleep because it was quite and when he blew out his candle the rats came out but he decided to take charge and light the candle again and whenever he lit it again the rats went away, And whenever he thought the rats were gone he blew out the candle but then the rats were dropping from the rafters above him and crawling out of the walls
  • # on the map

    The numbers on the map referred to strong points in the trenches, and they were in the dug-out locations, for the most part, conner gave it to himself to the disposition of the troops and George Brown Sheppard got the numbers 173, 174, and 175 which is the second-line trenches
  • the rats pt. 2

    George Brown Sheppard wrapped his head in a raincoat and put his hands in his pocket and just let the rats roam. The rats would climb in between his bed sack and the frame whenever he would roll over it would squeeze them and wake him up but he was happy that it would wake him up because he had a rush to the trench any minute.
  • the guy on the post pt. 2

    and convince him that the Germans were not there and George Brown Sheppard told him not to bother reporting little stuff like battalions, But if a division started coming their way to let them know, One night the guy fired 100 rounds without injuring as much as a single rat.
  • the guy on the post pt. 1

    One of the men on the post saw a German crossing on No Man's Land, And the German was heading right towards their section, and he advised George Brown Sheppard and the others for instant preparation for battle but George Brown Sheppard Went back with the guy to the post to prove to him that he was just seeing things,
  • the plan pt. 1

    George Brown Sheppard Got a message saying that he would have to patrol with eight Americans and eight Frenchmen, And while they were patrolling the Germans must have already seen them and they sent six-star shells which illuminated them perfectly, And then they blazed away with machine guns, The range was too long However accurate shooting.
  • the plan pt.2

    The French sergeant was lost to move but we finally proceeded to 50 yards further out where he put his interior scheme for capturing prisoners to work selecting six shell holes on a Broad semicircle he plays two men in each one but no two Americans together then him and George Brown Sheppard crouched in one slightly to the rear of the center of the semicircle wall he explained the strategy.
  • the plan pt. 3

    The idea was that the German patrol coming through the ring would be set upon by half of the men and be driven off all except the two in the lead who would be captured by the rest of ours. all info found on this link,0.083,1.228,0.536,0