Genghis Khan

  • 1162

    Temujin's Birth

    Temujin, later known to the world as Genghis Khan is born. He was born clutching a blood clot in his hand, some say a sign of a powerful leader. ( staff)
  • 1167

    World Event 1

    Amalric,the king of Jerusalem, captures Cairo Egypt. ( editors)
  • 1168

    World event 2

    The Arabs recapture Cairo, driving out Christian crusaders. ( editors)
  • 1168

    World event 4

    The school of Oxford is founded. ( editors.)
  • 1171

    Temujin's father is poisioned and killed

    Temujin was just 9 years old when his father was posioned to death by a rival clan. This left his family in poverty and without any alliances. They also lost most of their land and assets. (Taylor Robert)
  • 1171

    family loses titles

    Following the death of Temujin's father, his family was sent into poverty. They were stripped of clan rights, and other unrelated alliances. (Yapp Malcom)
  • 1171

    World event 3

    Henry II launches invasion of Ireland. The king of England sent forces to Warford in response to deposed king Dermot MacMurrough. ( editors)
  • 1174

    Killed older half brother

    On a hunting trip, Temujin lost control of his emotions and killed his eldest half brother who had begun to exercise his right as the dominant male, making claims to take on Temujin's mother as his bride. ( Editors)
  • 1178

    Temujin takes on Borte as his bride

    Soon before Temujin's father was murdered, he arranged for his son to be married into a powerful tribe named the Onggirat. Specifically to Borte, however they were not oficially wedded until Temujin was 16 years old. (Axlerod Alan)
  • 1182

    Temujin is captured

    At around age 20 Temujin was captured during a raid. later he escaped, through the help of a sympathetic captor. This earned him great respect.( editors)
  • 1183

    Borte is kidnapped

    Temujin's bride Borte was captured by the Merkits, a raiding tribe. Temujin turned to his fathers blood brother for support, and went on an expedition to rescue her, on his way totally decimating the Merkits and gaining himself reputation. ( Staff)
  • 1185

    World event 5

    In Japan the five-year Gempei war ends. From this war Minamoto Yoritomo emerges victorious. (Smitha Frank)
  • 1186

    Khan of the Mongols

    Temujin, soon grew distanced to his childhood friend Jamukha. who had helped him on his campaign in which he decimated the Merkits. Partly because of differing political doctrines, and partly because Jamukha attacked Temujin, after Temujin was elected Khan of the Mongols. (Yapp Malcolm)
  • 1189

    World event 6

    Jews are slaughtered for their religion at the coronation of England's Richard the first. (Smitha Frank)
  • 1206

    The height of Mongol Empire

    by 1206 Genghis Khan or Temujin, had control over central and eastern Mongolia. Making his the largest land empire in all of history. Genghis Khan had become a feared and respected warlord, who's name made men tremble. (Taylor Robert)
  • 1227


    Genghis Khan's death still remains a mystery, but has often been attributed to wounds sustained during the Western Xia raid in which he was thrown from his horse. ( staff)