25th amendment

  • William Henry Harrison

    William Henry Harrison
    He made a very long speech in the cold rain and got pneumonia which he died from. Hid vice president john tyler took over for him.
  • Zachary taylor

    Zachary taylor
    He got sick and died from cholera. His vice president Millard Fillmore took over for him.
  • Abraham Lincon

    Abraham Lincon
    Abraham Lincoln was in a theater watching "our american cousin" and was shot and died a few days later. Andrew Johnson, his vice president, took over for him.
  • James Garfield

    James Garfield
    He was assassinated at a railroad station by Charles Guiteau. His vice president Chester Arthur took over for him.
  • William Mckinley

    William Mckinley
    He was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz. His vice president Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    He suffered a heart attack and died from it. His vice president Calvin Coolidge too over for him.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    He died of a cerebral hemorrhage. His vice president Henry Truman too over for him.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    He was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in a motorcade. His vice president lyndon B. johnson took over for him.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    He resigned because of the watergate scandal. His vice president Gerald ford took over for him.