French Monarchs

  • Henri IV the Great 1589-1610

    Henri IV the Great 1589-1610
    Forced to convert to Catholicism 1576, but switched back to Protestantism
    Crowned King in 1589
    No war, paid countries off
    A- He was well loved by the people and kept them out of the war
  • Louis XII 1610-1643

    Louis XII 1610-1643
    Ascended throne at age 9
    Powerful Navy created
    Supported Artists
    Expanded settlement in Quebec
    Died leaving 5 year old son
    B- Promoted artists, and created powerful Navy. Didn't do much
  • Louis XIV 1643-1715

    Louis XIV 1643-1715
    Became King at age 4
    Increased French territory
    Fought in 4 major wars
    Palace of Versailles expansions
    Unified religions
    A- he made many achievments in France, but did not make an A+ because he created a lot of debt
  • Louis XV 1715-1774

    Louis XV 1715-1774
    Crowned at age 5
    Pursued a lot of women
    Declined Monarch power
    Someone attempted to assassinate him
    Gave up territory in New World
    F- He did absolutley nothing helpful and made life worse
  • Louis XVI 1774-1793

    Louis XVI 1774-1793
    Married to Marie Antoinette
    Aided American Revolution
    Added to the debt
    Had depression and left many duties to wife
    French Revolution
    Arrested, France a Republic
    Beheaded with wife
    F- He completely failed at being a King and then got executed.
  • Louis XVII 1793-1795

    Louis XVII 1793-1795
    Imprisoned the entire time
    Died of TB
    D- He didn't even do anything. But he was imprisoned so he gets points for that.