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fredrick douglass
Fredrick Douglass was born in ether 1817 or 1818. He was born to Harriet Bailey. He was born with the name Fredrick Augustus Washington Bailey. His father was a whight man and was belived to be his master. He was born near Easton in Talbot Country, Maryland. -
The move to Baltamore
He moved to Baltimore. There he lived with Hugh Auld and his wife Sophia. Sophia teached him to read. She continued to teach him to read until her husband makes her stop. After she stoped teaching him he found outher ways of learning. After that he had many teachers. -
The first excape
He made his first excape plan. He was going to excape with a group of slaves. The plan was discovered. The day that he was going to excape he was caught. He was put in jail and after a few mounths he was sent back to Hugh and Sophia. -
Fredrick Douglass borowed freedom papers from a free black man. These papers helped him to reach the north. He finally reached New York. After he got to New York he changed his last name to Johnson. He was no longer Fredrick Baliy but was now Fredrick Johnson. -
Douglass spoke at an antislavery meeting in New Bedford, Massachusetts.He is perswaded by William C. Coffin to speak about his life as a slave. He speaks at a Massachusetts antislavery convention. William Loyd Garrison encourages Douglass with his own speach. The group was impresses with Douglass so much that they hired him to talk. -
Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass
He wrote the Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass to prove that he was born a slave. In the book he gives lots of details that could lead to his aresst. He could have been arrested for being a run away slave. Also he mets Susan B. Anthony on a speaking tour. Later he becomes a champion of women's rights. He toured Britain and Ireland while some of his friends help to pay for his freedom. -
The commission investagating the possibility of annexing the Dominacan Republic to the U.S.
Douglass was apointed to a commission. The commission was investigating the possibility of annexing the Dominican Republic to the U.S.. He was apponted by Ulysses S. Grant. He was the current presadent at the time. Around this time period Fredrick Douglass became the Minister of Hati. -
The Equal Rights Party
The equal rights party wanted Fredrick Douglass to run for vice-presedent. He runs that year. He was on the ticket for Victoria C. Woodhull. They ran for the Equal Rights Party. -
presedent of the troubled Freedman's Savings and Trust company
He became the presedent of a company. The company was called "The troubled Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company. The company worked with the chairman of the State Finance Committee to save the bank. That ultimately fails. -
Marshel of the District of Columbia
He was appointed U.S. marshal. He was the U.S. marshal of the District of Columbia. He was appointed by president Hayes. Around this time he quit being the minister of Haiti. -
Douglass spoke at a meeting of The National Council of Women in Washington, D.C. That night he described the meeting to his seconed wife. They had been married for a few years. While he was discribing the meeting he died. He died of having a heart attaak.