Francisco Pizzarro

  • Mar 16, 1478


    Francisco was born in 1478. His mother and father were Francisca González Mateos and Gonzalo Pizarro y Rodríguez. He was born at Trujillo, Cáceres, Spain.
  • 1509

    becomes an explorer

    becomes an explorer
    1509 Fransiso Pizzaro sailld on the expadition that founded the city of San Sebastian.
  • 1513


    Francisco discovered the pacific ocean. He was mayor of panama.
  • 1515

    meet and traded

    meet and traded
    1515 While Francisco was travelling with the Nunez expedition he met and traded with the natives.
  • 1522

    first funding

    first funding
    1522 he was going the get his first funding. Francisco traveled to panama where he found a small amount of gold. Since he got the gold he was allowed to explore the land for more treasures.
  • 1528

    discover peru

    discover peru
    1528 Diego de Almagro and Francisco travelled and discovered the land of Peru.
  • 1530

    claimd land for spain

    claimd land for spain
    1530 Francisco traveled to spain with his three half brothers.Francisco discovers peru and he asks for permission to claim parue. Then francisco claimed some land for spain.
  • 1532

    Held Incas ransom

    Held Incas ransom
    1532 Francisco killed atahualpa by garrote. Then he held the inca leader for ransom. Then the ransom was paid from the incas and the inca leader was killed.
  • 1537

    Fight with his partner

    Fight with his partner
    1537 Diego de Almagro, his traviellig partner began a fight with Fancisco over who would be in control. The fight ended with the death of Diego
  • 1541


    1541 Francisco Pizarro was killed by one men. Although he was cruel and greedy Francisco life open the door for more discoveries.