Franklin Pierce

  • Birth/Early life

    Birth/Early life
    Franklin was born on November 23,1804, in Hillsboro, NH. He attended Bowdoin college in main . He has 8 siblings, he has 4 sisters, and 4 brothers.
  • Education

    He went to a public and private school,prior to enrolling in Bowdoin College. Where he neat a famed author Nathaniel Hawthorne. He ended up graduating fifth in his class in 1824. Franklin was noted for his ability to public speaking
  • Family

    he has 4 brothers and fore sisters. He has three sons. He has a wife named Jane pierce
  • Employment

    Before franklin became president he was elected to the U.S. Congress, first serving as a member of the House of ,Representatives and later as a U.S. Senator. When the Mexican-American War began in 1846.
  • how did he become president

    how did he become president
    In 1852, Pierce was elected president for one term. As president, he signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, prompting a bloody conflict over Kansas' slavery status.
  • Politics

    in New Hampshire he became the leader of the state's Democratic Party, the presidential election of 1852 approached, the Democratic Party sought a candidate who was a pro-slavery Northerner—to attract voters on both sides of the slavery issue.A
  • Presidency

    Franklin's presidency lasted from March 4, 1853 – March 4, 1857
  • Legacy

    His legacy as President Was on this day in 1869, former President Franklin Pierce passed away in New Hampshire. Pierce was regarded as an ethical hard worker, but he struggled as a national leader
  • Death

    before he died he was a heavy drinker for most of his life. and then he died in 1969
  • Death/2

    Franklin pierce died in Concord, Massachusetts. He died because of a liver disease.