Francisco Pizarro

  • 1479


    Francisco Pizarro was born in 1476 in Trujillo Spain. Francisco family was a very poor family during the time. His dad was a farmer while his mother was a humble heritage. Although times were rough it worked out.
  • 1513

    March To South Sea

    March To South Sea
    In 1513 Francisco joined conquistador Vasco Núñez de Balboa for the March to the South Sea. During the march Francisco and another marcher founded the Pacific Ocean. Since they founded it it was claimed to be the first oceans European discovery.
  • 1526

    Taking A Break

    Taking A Break
    In 1526 after a lot of battles he decided to settle down on Isla De Gallo. They assume he did this because a lot of people were after him for many things. While he was there he explored it and turn out it was a wealthy land that he had explored.
  • 1527

    Loosing Men

    Loosing Men
    After he had explored all Isla De Gallo he ordered ships for him in his crew to go back to panama. When he was there only 13 men ended up staying with him, that's how the famous 13 was made up. Francisco decided to never go back to Isa again although it was a wealthy place.
  • 1528

    Claiming The Southern Territory

    Claiming The Southern Territory
    In 1528 went back to Spain to for a commision from Emperor Charles V. Then a there was a quest to conquer the southern territory. Witch Francisco ended up accepting the challenge, witch paid off. ENded up 3 years later he founded the new capital city of Lima.
  • 1529

    Governor Pizarro

    Governor Pizarro
    In 1529 he became the Governor for New Castile. For everything that Francisco he he deserved to be the governor. Not to long after he became governor he already hired 250 men for force.
  • 1532

    Killing The Inca Leader

    Killing The Inca Leader
    In 1532 Francisco trappen an Incan for strange reasons. Francisco said he would kill the Incan if he gave him gold. Then the Incan gave him his gold and he still ended up killing the emperor. After doing o he claimed the land for Spain.
  • 1533

    Incas Get Killed

    Incas Get Killed
    In 1533 After getting greedy over his money and holding the leader hose before killing him Francisco killed the Incas. He did this for really no reason because the leader followed his orders and gave him the gold but still killed the leader. A year after he killed lots of Incas.
  • 1537

    Fights With A Partner

    Fights With A Partner
    In 1537 Him and his partner did not get along and ended up fighting. They were fighting about who should be in contoll when the fight started. Before you know it his partner ending up dieing in the fight.
  • 1541


    Francisco unfortunately got assassinated on june 26th, 1541. He got assassinated by 20 armed of Diego de Almagro II. Years later more were back to assassinate his friends and family.