Retrato del gral. francisco franco bahamonde (adjusted levels)

Francisco Franco

  • Franco was born.

    Franco was born.
    The 4th of the last month in 1892, Francisco Franco was born.
    He was born in Ferrol, Galicia, Kingdom of Spain.
    His parents were María del Pilar Bahamonde y Pardo de Andrade and, Nicolás Franco y Salgado-Araújo
  • First Mision

    First Mision
    His first mission was collaborating with Africa.
    He went with Camilo Alonso Vega a mate he had, and both went to this mission in Africa
    They first made some rutinary exercises here.
  • Updated

    Also in Africa, a few months later, Franco was updated as lieutenant.
    The thing was that his update was special, because he wasn't ascended by his merits in war.
  • Cross to the military merits

    Cross to the military merits
    Also in Africa, the next year, he received the cross because of his military merits, since he had won a important battle in the 22nd of the last September.
  • Again updated

    Again updated
    The first of the second month in 1914, Franco was again updated, this time he was updated to Captain because of his courage in the Battle of Beni Salem in Teutan. Africa was is first period of his military career and here, he demonstrated his bravery and capacity. ​ En los combates se distinguió por su arrojo y belicosidad. He was always brave, and wanted to help in all missions, he also held the important things they may had to do.
  • Marriage

    The 23rd of October in 1923, was the day when Carmen Polo, and Francisco Franco got married. The ceremony was celebrated in the Church San Juan El Real, a church in Oviedo.
    Something special about this marriage was that the best man(padrino) was Alfonso XIII. They only had a child called Carmen Franco y Polo(1926)
  • Coup de Etat

    Coup de Etat
    A group of people with high rankings in the democracy gave a coup the etat against the democratic government. This included obviously, Franco.
    This coup led to a Spanish Civil War. And finally, Spain was led to his Second Republic.
  • Named as supreme boss

    Named as supreme boss
    The first day of October in 1936, Franco was recognized by the Supreme as Boss of the state from the rebel side. Starting here is ''career'' as caudillo, as the leader.
  • Period: to

    Head of State

    Francisco Franco was leading Spain as his charge of head of State, also called, caudillo, since he was named like this by the Supreme.
    After that, he continued rouling Spain until his death in 1975
  • Proclaimed as national leader.

    Proclaimed as national leader.
    He proclaimed himself national leader of the FET, and JONS, the only part after its fusion.
    Here, just when the war finished, he adopted a National movement, that involved symbols, autarchy, estetic, etc.
    This movement was installed as a totalitarianism movement, because after the war, it was created an authoritarian dictatorship, or semi fascist regime.
  • Period: to

    President of the Government.

    During his ruling as caudillo, he was also called President of the Government, he held this place almost during all his life as head of State.
  • His last speech

    His last speech
    The last time Franco appeared in public was the first day of October 1975. He wanted to say some words from the balcony in the Real Palace of El Prado, and due to his health problems, this was the last speech he made as dictator.
  • Francisco Franco died

    Francisco Franco died
    Franco suffered during the 75 some important health issues, and finally, the 30th of October he fell into coma. He was put in life support, but the 20th of November, the family agree to disconnect him.
    Before all this, he had been suffering from the Parkinson disease, and also influence the coma, and his final death.