Charlie Starts Wrinting Progress Reports
Charlie starts to wrinte progress reports for Dr. Strauss. "He says it's important so they will see if they use me." (371) -
Charlie passes the test, and after an arguement between Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur, they chose to use him. "Their going to use me! I'm so excited I can hardly write." (374) -
Charlie get's his operation, He thinks it's suposed to change him overnight, and doesn't know how to think. "I don't know what to think about." (376) -
Charlie is Oblivious
Charlie is made fun of, but doesn't have the knowledge to get that people are making fun of him. "He said Ernie for godsake what are you trying to be a Charlie Gordon. I don't understand why they said that." (377) -
Dr, Strauss gives Charlie a TV
Dr. Strauss gives Charlie a TV to listen to while he's sleeping. Then they talk about subconcious and consious mind. "was a little Tevivision" (377) -
The Party
Charlie's friends send him out for a newspaper and they decide to mess with him and leave before he comes back. He isn't smart enough yet to realize that they are being mean to him. "I went out to buy a newpaper and coffee for Joe and Frank and when I came back there was no one thier." (379) -
Charlie Wins
Charlie, after trying what it seems like forever finally beats Algernon in a test/race. Then he beat him 8 more times after that. He was getting smarter. "I beat Algernon! I didn't even know until Burt the tester told me." (379) -
Charlie finds out that Algernon has to solve a puzzle before he eats. He doesn't like that idea, and has sympathy towards him. "He told me Algernon is so smart that every day he has to solve a test to get his food. " (380) "That made me sad because if he couldnt learn he would be hungry." (380) -
Charlie Starts a Book
Charlie starts to read a book, Robinson Crusoe with Mrs. Kinnian. -
Finishes Book
Charlie is getting way smarter.And quickly. He finished Robinson Crusoe, only in six days.. "Finished Robinson Crusoe. I want to find out more about what happens to him but Mrs. Kinnian says thats all there is. Why" (381) -
Charlie Feels Bad
Charlie feels sick inside, meantally, that is. "Inside my chest it feels empty like getting punched and heartburn at the same time." (382) -
Charlie is Smarter
Charlie starts to figure out that his "friends" are acting a little like a jerk. "Everyone was looking at me and i felt naked. (383) "Now i know what it means when they say 'to pull a Charlie Gordon.'" (383) -
Charlie Notices Changes
Algernon died two days ago, (June 8th, 1965) , and Charlie notices that he has had the same symptoms. "Deterioration progressing. I have become absent minded. Algernon died two days ago. Dissecton shows my perdictions were right." (396) -
Charlie Dies
Charlie has been loosing all his "smartness" faster than he could think about it. He quit reading, using the typewriter, and got very hard to write. He didn't even know what day it was except for sunday becuase he saw people going to church. "If you ever read this Mrs. Kinnian don't be sorry for me I'm glad i got a second chance to be smart." (401)