
Flowers For Algernon

  • Progress report 1

    Charlie Gordon an illiterate 37 year old man begins a jounal at his doctors request. "Dr. Strauss says I shud rite down what I think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on, I dont know why but he says its importint so they will see if they will use me."
  • Progress Report 2

    Charlies takes his first test. "I had a test today. I think I faled it. And I think maybe now they wont use me. What happind is a nice young man was in the room and he had some white cards and ink spillled all over them. He sed Charlie what do vo see on this card. I was very skared even tho I had my rabits foot in my pockit because when I was a kid I always faled tests in school and I spillled ink to."
  • Progress Report 3

    Charlie takes more tests, one being a race against Algernon, a mouse. "They' did it over 10 times with different amazeds and Algernon won every time. I dint know that mice were so smart, Maybe thats because Algernon is a white mouse. Maybe white mice are smarter than other mice."
  • Progress Report 4

    Charlie was chosen for the experiment. "Their going to use me! Im so excited I can hardly write."
  • Progress Report 5

    Charlie is nervously waiting for his operation. "Im skared. Lots of the nurses and the people who gave me the tests came to bring me candy and wish me luck. I hope I have luck. I got my rabits foot and my lucky penny."
  • Progress Report 6

    Charlie is talking about how the operation went. "The operashun dint hurt. He did it while I was sleeping.... "All the time when the bandijis were on my eyes I tryed to think. Nothing happened. I dont know what to think about. Maybe if I ask him he will tell me how I can think now that Im supposed to get smart. What do smart people think about. Fancy things I suppose. I wish I knew some fancy things alredy."
  • Progress Report 7

    Charlie is growing upset, he feels as if the operation did nothing and he is not making progress. "Nothing is happining. I had lots of tests and different kinds of races with Algernon. I hate that mouse. He always beats me."
  • Progress Report 8

    Charlie goes back to work at the factory. Then he goes to the hospital for an hour after work. Then one day he skips going to the hospital because he has lost faith that he is becomng smart. "Im glad Im going back to work because I miss my job and all my frends and all the fun we have there....We had a lot of fun at the factory today. Joe Carp said hey look where Charlie had his operashun what did they do Charlie put some brains in."
  • Progress Report 10

    Charlie beats Algernon, reads a book and learns punctuation! Everyone is noticing how much smarter he is becoming, for better or for worse even Charlie himself is noticing. Charlie stays home from work for the first time after a bad experience with his co workers last night. "Then when I got up I saw the look on Joe's face and it gave me a funny feeling in my stomack. "He's a scream," one of the girls said. Everybody was laughing.Now I know what it means when they say "to pull a Charlie."
  • Progress Report 9

    Charlie goes to a party with his "friends" and get drunk, he has a good time with them not knowing that they just brought him to make fun of him. "Joe Carp said I shoud show the girls how I mop out the toilet in the factory and he got me a mop. I showed them and everyone laffed when I told that Mr. Donnegan said I was the best janiter he ever had because I like my job and do it good and never miss a day except for my operashun."
  • Progress Report 11

    Charlie is becoming a normal person now he learning at a fast pace. healso goes back to work and gets a $25 bonus. "Anyway, now I know I'm getting smarter every day. I know punctuation and I can spell good. I like to look up all the hard words in the dictionary and I remember them. I'm reading a lot now, and Miss Kinnian says I read very fast. Sometimes I even understand what I'm reading about, and it stays in my mind."
  • Progress Report 12

    Charlie is fired from his job at the factory, everybody but one lady at the facory signed a petition to fire him. He is to smart to talk to anybody not even the doctors. But he gets a normal salary from the laboratory.
  • Progress Report 13

    Charlie starts an experiment of his own working on it day and night. He finishes and sends the results to Dr. Strauss and Nemur. Algernon dies and Charlie's intelligence is detiorating. He gets his job back and everyone likes him again. But he leaves New York after writing everyone a letter. "Im going to have lots of frends where I go. P.P.S. Please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard...."