Feb 13, 1540
Sir Francis Drake was born
Sir Francis Drake was a faomas explorer for starting a yoyage with only him and his crew his crew turned on him but it was aginst the law to do so, so they reunited on his journy he came across 5 boats 3 of them carying silver and two of them with gold on there way back it was to hevy to carry so they had to chuck some over board when they got back the qeen made him a knight. -
Sep 14, 1570
Henry hudson was born
Henry was tuder explorer that is very faomas even today.Henry hudson was a tuder unfortunetly he wasnet rewarded by being nighted. -
Jacob Francis was born
Jacub Francis discoverd Paru avryone from Paru thoght him and his men were sun gods because of there shiny armer.So they gave them all there gold. -
Niel amstrong was born
Niel amstrong was a famous explorer as well as the first person to walk on the moon on apolo 15 -
Mary Kingsley was born
Mary Kingsley climbed one of the biggest mountains in the world. -
Sir Robert Falcon Scott was born
Robert falcon scott was in the race to Antartica and his rival Amundsun. Unfortunetly he lost, and him and his crew died on the way back. -
Steve backshall was born
Steve backshall is the presenter of many shows like deqadly 60,livendeadly and deadly 360. -
Bear Gryls was born
Bear gyrls is like Steve backshall but instead of exploring animals he is a savivalist.