Evidence Timelines English dot work 5

  • I had not been born when Pablo Escobar was killed

    I had not been born when Pablo Escobar was killed
  • I was born the year the ONU declares World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

    I was born the year the ONU declares World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
  • When he was 2 years old, the attack on the twin towers occurred

    When he was 2 years old, the attack on the twin towers occurred
  • When he was 3 years old, Álvaro Uribe Vélez became President of Colombia

    When he was 3 years old, Álvaro Uribe Vélez became President of Colombia
  • When he was 12, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.

    When he was 12, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.
  • The Mayans predicted the end of the world when he was 13 years old.

    The Mayans predicted the end of the world when he was 13 years old.
  • The year I graduated from school, Donald Trump won the United States presidential election.

    The year I graduated from school, Donald Trump won the United States presidential election.
  • The hydroituango landslide that affected more than 120,000 people occurred when I was 19.

    The hydroituango landslide that affected more than 120,000 people occurred when I was 19.
  • I had already started studying in the Seine when the Amazon caught fire.

    I had already started studying in the Seine when the Amazon caught fire.
  • This year I turned 21 and there is the Covid 19 pandemic.

    This year I turned 21 and there is the Covid 19 pandemic.