Etic and Philosophy: 1500-Nowadays

  • May 4, 1469


    Italian historian, philosopher and politician. He belongs to the Renaissance. He is one of the most important thinkers that formed the modern politics. Books:
    El Principe-Maquiavelo
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Modern Philosophy

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Italian astronomous, mathematician, philosopher that was part of the scientific revolution. He belongs to the Renaissance and the Modern age, he was interested in science and arts.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He was an english thinker considered as father of the empirism and the modern liberalism.
  • Leibniz

    German philosopher, mathematician, jurist, librarian and politician.
    He's thoughts brought the modern logic and the birth of modern escolastic. His theory of the “Nomadas” is one pf the most complex of modern philoshy.
  • George Berkeley

    George Berkeley
    Irish philosopher and cleric that is considered to be the father of modern Idealism.
  • Inmanuel Kant

    Inmanuel Kant
    German philosopher from the Enlightenment. He is the most important philosopher of german idealism and is considered as one of the most influent thinkers of the History. Main book:
    Crítica de la razón pura
  • Friedrich Hegel

    Friedrich Hegel
    German philosopher whose theory is very obscure and deep. Nevertheless, the deepness of his thinking brought a whole new way of understanding the philosophy.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Philosophy

  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    German philosopher and politic militant. He is considered to be the father of socialism thanks to his theory: marxism Main books:
    Communist Manfiesto (written by Marx and Engels)
    The Capital
  • Charles Sanders Pierce

    Charles Sanders Pierce
    Logician, scientist and philosopher. He was born in USA and is the main thinker of the pramagtism theory.
  • Nietzsche

    Philosopher, writer and musicians borned in Germany. His thinking's have been very infuent, as nihilism became the way of life of many people. Main books:
    Así habló Zarathustra
  • Gandhi

    Thinker, lawyer and philosopher from India. His moral development about the indian pacific way to independence has put him at the top of the eastern philosophy.
  • Karl Popper

    Karl Popper
    His theory about falsacionism caused trouble among other theories, but is considered as a great scientist and philosopher. He was born in Germany
  • Sartre

    Very important french writer and philosopher. He won the Nobel prize of literature. He thinks that the Human Being is born to be free and to be consequent with his/her actions.
  • Carlos Castañeda

    Carlos Castañeda
    He is not very known, bit his theory about misticism and religion has influenced a lot in South American philosophy.
  • Chomsky

    He was born in EEUU and worked as antropologist and philosopher He defended modern anarchism
  • Zizek

    Zizek is one of the most brilliant philosopher of our time. He was born in Ljubljana and his worked is based on a modern vision of socialism, adapted to modern capitalism