
Ernesto Guevara

  • Ernesto was born

    Ernesto was born
    Ernesto Guevara was born the 14th of June in Santa Fe, Argentina.
    His parents were Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna, and it was their first child.
  • First voyage Alone

    First voyage Alone
    The first day of 1950, Ernesto started with his journey alone, in a bicycle.
    During his route he was going to visit many things, first his friend Alberto Granado, in Cordoba, Argentina. Then he was going to meet with his childhood friends. After that he would continue to the north, and here he discovered the poorer countries.
    During the whole journey he completed 4500 km.
  • Voyage at the petroler ship of YPF

    Voyage at the petroler ship of YPF
    In 1951 he was employed as paramedic in the ship.
    He first embarked in February.
    During this voyage he went from South America, to the British Colonies(Trinidad and Tobago).
  • First Latin American Trip

    First Latin American Trip
    His first international voyage was this one, the one he went with Alberto Granado. They start on the 4th of January.
    They voyage lasted for 7 months, in which they visited many places.
    The first of May they arrived at Lima, where they stayed a little bit with Hugo Pesce, a doctor specialised in Lepra.
    The 31st of July, they finally returned to Buenos Aires.
  • College Degree

    College Degree
    After retaking the 14 subjects he had failed previously. After that, the 11th of April in 1953 he was given the Doctor Degree by the University of Buenos Aires
  • Second International Voyage

    Second International Voyage
    His second voyage was taking time in 1953. This time he was going with Carlos Calica Ferrer. Their objective was going to Caracas, where they would found Alberto Garrido.
    They started the trip the 7th of July, from Buenos Aires.
    Then they stayed some days in La Paz due to the Revolution.
    On the 24th of December Guevara arrived to Guatemala without any money.
  • Period: to


    Ernesto stayed two years in Mexico. Here he cleared his political ideas, as well as he got married. Here, he worked as photographer and doctor.
    But the most important thing was his political idea, after he had cleared it, he unified to the Movement of the 26th of July, which was lead by Fidel Castro.
  • Movement of 26th of July

    Movement of 26th of July
    After Fidel Castro went out of prison after a few years since the revolution of 1923, he created again a movement called the 26th of July in which they wanted to overthrow Barrica. This movement was anti communism and followed the ideas of Jose Marti.
  • Ernesto into the movement

    Ernesto into the movement
    In July, Ernesto was offered to join the movement of the 26th of July as its private doctor, he immediately accepted.
  • Period: to

    Hilda Gadea

    Hilda Gadea was the first marriage of Ernesto Guevara.
    She was the one who introduced Guevara into the left wing movements while he was in Guatemala.
    With Hilda, he only had one daughter: Hilda Guevara, who was born in 1956.
  • Trainings

    A group of about twenty people began training in guerrilla warfare under the command of the Spanish Coronel Alberto Bayo Giroud. (On February 15, his daughter Hilda Beatriz Guevara was born)
    The training took place in the municipality of Chalco. They were receiving a command and training course in guerrilla warfare. Che hid his asthma from him, excelled in military training, and became one of the group's leaders.
  • Arrested

    Between the 20-24 of July, Fidel, his brother, and most of the people that formed the movement were arrested. Here he did many extrange things.
  • Period: to

    Aleida March

    She was the second marriage of Ernesto.
    This marriage was the one who lasted more time, and he had much more kids with this woman.
    They had 4 kids: Aleida Guevara March, Camilo Guevara, Celia Guevara and Ernesto Guevara.
  • His death

    His death
    Ernesto Guevara finally died on the 9th of October in 1967, at the age of 39. He died due to a firearm injury.
    He was executed in La Higuera, Bolivia