Event Timeline (Joe)

By Cb0117
  • Joes early signs of failure

    Joes early signs of failure
    Joe (age 7) explained to his mom Catrina that while at school, he played soccer and was really good. He even talked about how he had the most goals compared to his friend Todd. In Eriksons 4th stage, Industry versus Inferiority, the crisis is between comparing oneself to another with feelings of superiority or inferiority. Joe analyzed the talents and skills of those around him and used them to compare himself.
  • Joes decision of participating in sports or band- Identity versus Confusion

    Joes decision of participating in sports or band- Identity versus Confusion
    Joe (age 15) was forced to choose between soccer (which he has played since he was 7) and band, his newfound interest. Joe chose soccer. In Eriksons fifth stage, Identity versus Confusion, the crisis is between developing and understanding who you are and what interests you (identity) or following the path that others may want you to choose that do not interest you (confusion).
  • Joes decision of love or career- Intimacy versus Isolation

    Joes decision of love or career- Intimacy versus Isolation
    Joe is now 20 years old and has been playing soccer for his college for 2 years.While at school, he met a girl named Riley and really wants to have a closer relationship.Because of his soccer practice schedule and Riley's work schedule, Joe only gets to see Riley for 1 day a week.Joe chooses to ditch soccer and form a romantic relationship with Riley because he knows that she is worth more than 1 more year of soccer. This crisis is between understanding one's commitment versus lack of security.