Erik erikson 1

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory Timeline

By wrcRS64
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Initiative vs. Guilt
    Jeffrey (age 5) has a birthday and his mother and father are having an argument. He is left alone after his father leaves, and feels guilty about bringing up his loneliness to his mother as she seems to treat him like he's being a nuisance. In Erikson's third stage, Initiative vs. Guilt, the crisis is between receiving encouragement and support through various activities or being discouraged and losing the drive to initiate activities, either through control or repression.
  • Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Identity vs. Identity Confusion
    Jeffrey (age 16) is in high school, and one day he asks his science classmates if they would like to dissect another piglet at his home. His classmates laugh at this and think it's an odd question to ask and reject his suggestion. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs. Identity Confusion, the crisis is between forming a personal identity or "place where they belong", and feeling rejected in this case or insecure about their beliefs, values, or goals.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Jeffrey (age 29) is at a dance bar where he meets an interesting person who is deaf. He finds this relationship different from others and feels like he can be vulnerable with this person. He is interested in his partner because they bond over difficulties they both experience. In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is between exploring commitments, relationships and love or becoming isolated, lonely, and perhaps even becoming depressed.