Erikson Time Line,

  • James participates in the science fair: Industry vs inferiority

    James (9) completed a project for the science fair. Throughout the process James' parents gave encouragement and feedback on his project as needed by James. James came in 3rd place in the science fair. Even thou he was disappointed in not winning 1st he knew he did his best and was able to compete again. In the fourth Erikson stage the crisis was between trying something new and the risk of failing in front of his friends and school peers.
  • James chooses a career path: Identity vs. identity confusion

    James (17) is getting lots of pressure to pick a career for after graduation. He has friends joining the military and applying for college. James chooses to go to a trade school for carpentry. He has many years of helping his dad on projects around the home and enjoys the work. The crisis of the 5th Erikson stage is developing a sense of who he is and what he wants to be and do with his life verse not choosing a path and aimlessly bouncing between jobs.
  • James and his grandchildren: Generativity vs. stagnation

    James (50) Is spending the weekend with his grandchildren. He is helping his son out by watching them for the weekend. He is teaching his grandchildren how to make a bird house. In the 7th Erikson's stage of Generativity vs. stagnation he is receiving fulfilment in contributing to the next generation by taking care of them and teaching them instead of being by himself and not sharing the skills he has developed over his lifetime.