Erik erikson

Erikson's stages of Psychosocial Development

  • Ricky's good grades: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Ricky's good grades: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Ricky is 12 years old, lately he's been getting overly praised by his parents and peers for having good grades in school, today he received an A on his math test, his teacher congratulates him. Because he is encouraged for his initiative he will now feel more confident and contempt ( Industrious ) he will probably feel a sense of approval or what I call it, "grown up". This will help him make competent choices on his own and successfully move onto his next stage. (Identity/confusion)
  • Ricky's church: Generativity vs. stagnation

    Ricky's church: Generativity vs. stagnation
    Ricky is 50 years old, after becoming very successful he felt a sudden urge to give back to his community, so he opened up a community church, as well as practicing his religion, he will also give seminars to teens/young adults, on his own time. because he successfully advanced through Erikson's first 6 stages with out any complications, he generously wants to help out his community and the younger generation (7th stage generativity).
  • Ricky's final day: Integrity vs. Despair

    Ricky's final day: Integrity vs. Despair
    Ricky shares a few final words to his grandson and granddaughter, he only talks in a positive manner even as he says his final words. He reflects on all his successful moments and how his church has changed the lives of many troubled teenagers. he regrets nothing. He feels a sense of peace before finally his heart stops. Stage 8 (integrity). Because Ricky was able to successfully advance through all 8 stages he did not die with any sense of regret, bitterness, or hopelessness (despair).