
Erickson's Timeline: Ian

  • Early Childhood: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Early Childhood: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Ian (Age 5) shows a great interest in artistic expression in drawing and crafting. His parents in turn support his budding desire to create visual pieces by providing him with materials to draw and color with. In turn, they praise and welcome him to continue to create, going as far as to save nearly every project he makes as the years draw on. The nurturing of his interest from his parents boost his self-esteem with his skills, thus giving him a sense of competency opposed to inferiority.
  • On Set of Puberty: Identity vs. Role Confusion

    On Set of Puberty: Identity vs. Role Confusion
    Ian (Age 11) is in puberty and is having difficulties with his self-identity. He has a hard time conceptualizing the roles expected of his gender, which develops into an identity crisis, leaving him unable to establish his sense of identity. This leads into him having Role Confusion opposed to Identity, which would mean that he does not feel that he knows who or what he wants to be in his life, opposed to being able to develop that sense of self.
  • Ian Gets Married to Brandy : Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Ian Gets Married to Brandy : Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Ian (Age 29) chooses to marry his long term partner, Brandy. He chose intimacy with a woman who he met in his emerging adulthood that has helped him through life's difficulties. By doing so, he chooses to become emotionally close with someone in a committed relationship, leading to Intimacy. So he avoids Isolation, which is keeping to himself and not developing those close, trusting, and committed interpersonal relationships with others.