
Emiliano Zapata Salazar

  • Birthday

    He was born on August 8, 1879 in Anenecuilo, Morelos
  • His mother died

    When he was16 years old his mother died
  • His father died

    11 months later, his father also died
  • Recruitment to serve in the army

    He attended a meeting of peasants in Cuautla to discuss how to defend their lands and those of the people against neighboring landowners. His rebellion condemned him to the cam
  • Incorporated to the 9th Cavalry Regiment

    Zapata was incorporated into the 9th Cavalry Regiment, under the command of Colonel Alfonso Pradillo
  • Emiliano Zapata was elected calpuleque

    Emiliano Zapata was elected calpuleque (Nahuatl word, which means chief, leader or president) of the Defense Board of the lands of Anenecuilco-Villa de Ayala-Moyotepec
  • Incorporated into the Ninth Cavalry Regiment

    He was forcibly incorporated into the Ninth Cavalry Regiment based in Cuernavaca, with the rank of private soldier.
  • He recovered by force the lands of the Hospital's Treasury

    He recovered by force the lands of the Hospital's Treasury that were protected by the police chief, José A. Vivanco, and which he left in possession of the local farmers. For this fact he had to escape several times from the government, as he was declared a bandit.
  • The fight in the south to the death of Madero

    The fight in the south to the death of Madero
    Tras el asesinato de Francisco I. Madero y el ascenso en el poder de Victoriano Huerta, la lucha armada se exacerbó y Zapata fue uno de los jefes revolucionarios más importantes, al tiempo que introdujo importantes reformas en Morelos.
  • He took Puebla

    He took Puebla, although in the first days of January the square was taken away by the forces of General Álvaro Obregón.
  • Zapata´s death

    Zapata´s death
    Zapata encamped with his forces on the outskirts of the hacienda, and approached it accompanied only by an escort of ten men. When crossing the lintel, an ordinance bet at the entrance, touched with his clarion the call to honors. That was the signal for the shooters, hidden in the roofs, to open fire on Zapata, who managed to take out his gun, but shot him down.