Elvis 1956 photo robertson 1600

ELVIS PRESLEY: The King of Rock 'n' Roll

  • Birth

    Elvis was born in Tupelo, Mississippi. He was supposed to have a twin brother, but he was stillborn. So he grew up as an only child.
  • Period: to

    The King of Rock 'n' Roll truly

    His legacy was incredibly amazing, there are still fans all over the world. Let’s keep in mind that he literally popularized rock ‘n’ roll in the U.S.A. I guess we could say that “he couldn’t help falling in love with rock ‘n’ roll”.
  • His first guitar

    His first guitar
    His passion for music manifested in his early childhood. His first guitar was a gift from his mum for his 7th birthday!
  • High School graduation

    High School graduation
    He graduated from Humes High School, in Memphis.
  • Debut in singing carreer

    Debut in singing carreer
    A year after he graduated, he started his singing career. Debuting with the single “My happiness” already with a well-known recording company. Listen to the song right here!

    After all his No.1 in charts and his appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, he became an international sensation. And all in one year! His golden year, 1956.
  • First No. 1 single

    First No. 1 single
    It was two years later after his debut, that he scored his first No. 1 single “Heartbreak hotel”.
  • First album

    First album
    Release of his first album and first No. 1 album, “Elvis Presley”
  • Appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show"

    Appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show"
    He appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, which had over sixty million viewers watching Elvis sing.
  • First acting job

    First acting job
    During his very bright career of music, he also had a life as an actor. He actually did over thirty films, the first one being “Love me tender”
  • Wedding

    He got married to Priscilla, in a small ceremony in Las Vegas.
  • His only daughter

    His only daughter
    Lisa Marie Presley was born exactly nine months after the wedding day of Elvis and Priscilla. She was born in Memphis.
  • Divorce

    But in all of this fame and glory, not everything was perfect. His marriage fell a part, and when he got divorced, his wife (well, ex-wife) got full 24/7 custody of Lisa.
  • Iconic concert

    Iconic concert
    Aloha from Hawaii his most iconic concert, with one of his most iconic looks. Watch him perform a song here! Concert
  • Down the hill

    Down the hill
    Since the moment he got divorced and lost custody of his only daughter, his life went straight down the hill, in terms of health. His drug addictions kept growing, and he didn’t have a healthy lifestyle over-all.
  • Death

    Even though some people believe truly that Elvis Presley is still alive today, a long time a go, at a far too young age to die, he had a heart failure, and we had to wave goodbye to the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.