Edmund Hillary's life

By vlsandy
  • Birth

    He was born in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • First mountain

    First mountain
    He climbed Mount Ollivier.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    He joined the air force during the second world war.
  • The highest peak in New Zealand

    The highest peak in New Zealand
    He climbed Mount Cook.
  • Jungfrau

    He climbed the Swiss Alps.
  • Swiss and Austrian Alps

    Swiss and Austrian Alps
    He climbed the alps of Switzerland and Austria.
  • British reconnaissance expedition

    British reconnaissance expedition
    He participated in an expedition to the Garhwal Himalaya.
  • The highest mountain on the planet

    The highest mountain on the planet
    He was chosen for an expedition to Everest.
  • Challenge completed

    Challenge completed
    He conquered the top of Mount Everest.
  • New title

    New title
    He is knighted by Queen Elizabeth.
  • New partner

    New partner
    He married Louise Rose.
  • Period: to

    Trans Antarctic expedition

    He was part of the Commonwealth Trans Antarctic expedition, at the south pole.
  • Mount Herschel

    Mount Herschel
    He climbed Mount Herschel for the first time.
  • New schools and hospitals

    New schools and hospitals
    He returned to Everest to help Nepalese population.
  • A devastating hit

    A devastating hit
    He lost his wife, Louise, and his daughter, Belinda, in a plane crash.
  • Ocean to the sky

    Ocean to the sky
    He directed an expedition named Ocean to the sky.
  • New zealand's greatest honor

    New zealand's greatest honor
    He was among the first 20 people selected as members of the Order of New Zealand.
  • New tickets

    New tickets
    He was selected to appear on the New Zealand tickets.
  • New member

    New member
    He was made a member of the oldest and highest order of Chivalry in Grain Britain.
  • Honorary citizen of Nepal.

    Honorary citizen of Nepal.
    He was named honorary citizen of Nepal.
  • End of his life

    End of his life
    He died of a heart attack at the age of 88 years.