Oct 18, 1469
The marriage of Isabella I and Ferdinand II
Ferdinad of Aragon marries Isabella of Castille in Valladolid. Ten years later, they became the first sovereigns of the Spanish monarchy. They governed their own separate territories, but after wards Aragon and Castille joined together. They were the Catholic Monarchs. Granada and Portugal were incorporated into their territory. -
Jan 1, 1476
Francisco Pizarro
He was born in Trujillo (Extremadura) in 1471 or 1476. He died on 26th June 1541, (aged 65-70). After the discovery of America they made several expeditions like Francisco Pizarro. He invaded Peru in 1533. He is a Spanish conquistador.He was a distant cousin of Hernan Cortes. He had a child her name is Francisca Pizarro . -
Oct 12, 1492
The Discovery of America
Cristopher Colombus set sail from Palos port in Huelva, Spain. His objective was to sail to Japan to the west on 3th of August 1492 with his three ships the Pinta, the Nina and the Santa María. The 12th of October 1492 Rodrigo de Triana shouted "Land!" Colombus thaught he was in Japan, but years later the Italian Americo Vespucio said that it wasn`t Japan. In his honor it was called America. -
Feb 24, 1500
Charles I was the son of Juana the crazy one and Philip the handsome one. He was emperor of the Italian and German empires. He was born in Ghent in 1500 and he died in Yuste,
in Spain, in 1558. He was a descendant of the house of hapsburg. He fought againts France, the Ottoman Turksih Empire and the Protestants. He decided to retire to the Monastery in Yuste and gave his empire to his brother Fernand and his possessions to his son Philip, who became king as Philip II. -
Period: Sep 20, 1519 to Sep 6, 1522
First Trip around the World
The first trip around the worldThe global expedition was undertaken by Elcano and Magellan. It lasted from 20 September 1519 to the 6 September 1522.
After Ferdiniand Magellan died, John Sebastian Elcano took the control of the ships, which was proposed by Magellan, but his plans were changed. -
Dec 2, 1519
Hernán Cortés invaded Mexico
Hernan Corte was a Spanish conquistador who overthrew the Aztec empire and won Mexico for the crown of Spain. Born around 1485 in Medella, Spain. He first set sail to the new world at the age of 19 in June. Cortés later did an expedition to Cuba. In 1518 he set off to explore Mexico. He helped advance the Spanish position in North America in 1500. He came from a Cesier noble family in Spain. Some reports indicate he studied at the University of Salamanca for a time. -
Period: Jan 15, 1556 to
Reign of Phillip II
He was king of Naples and Sicily, as well as Duke of Milan. During his reign, he married Mary I. He won two wars: the Battle of Lepanto and the Battle of San Quintin. He lost the Spanish Armada. He converted Spain into a higher power in Europe. He faught aganist the Turks,the French and the Netherlands.
Isabel of Portugal and Charles I of Spain and V of Germany. -
Aug 10, 1557
Battle of Saint Quentin
The battle was on 10 Agust 1557 in San Quentin (France).
The French fought the Spanish Kingdoms under the rule of Philip II who was allied with England against French forces because he married the English queen Mary I. It was a decisive Spanish victory.
When Spain won Pilip II buillt the Monastery of "El Escorial" in the Guadarrama Mountains. -
Oct 7, 1571
The Battle of Lepanto
The battle of Lepanto took place on the 7th of October in 1557. It was an international conflict where the Ottoman Turks faced the Christians, made up of Spain, Venecia, Genova and the Pontifical states by the brother of king John of Austria. It took place in the cape of Lepanto, in Greece. Miguel of Cervantes fought in this battle. He was hurt and he lost mobility in his left hand. This is why they call him the armed Lepanto. -
Period: Apr 14, 1578 to
Philip III
Philip III He was a member of the House of Habsburg, Philip III was born in Madrid to King Philip II of Spain. Philip III later married his cousin Margaret of Austria, sister of Ferdinand II. Philip's political reputation abroad has been largely negative. His successor was Philip IV. -
Period: to
Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada was started at the end of the 15th century until the beginning of the 16th centuary.
The Spanish Armada was founded when Castilla and Aragón were brought together by the Catholic Kings.
The Spanish Armada was used until the English beat Spain. -
Period: to
the Count - Duke of Olivares
His real name was ``Gaspar de Guzman´´. He was born on 6th January, 1587, Malaga Spain to one of Spain´s oldest nobels family. He became famous becouse Filip lV gave him his kingdom, but the oldest things ha did was fight, so spain lost a lot of money.
in rome he died on 22nd july, 1645 (aged 58). -
Period: to
The Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada was created by the Catholics Kings from Castille and Aragon. They createed it at the end of the 15th century and the beginninig of the 16th century. The first attack that it made was against London, but it lost in 1781. -
Philip IV
He was king of Spain. He ascended to the throne in 1621. He gave his throne to the Count Duque of Olivares. He was the son of Philipe III and the father of Charles II. He died in 1665. -
Louis XIV
Louis XIV was born the 5th of September 1638 and he died the 1st of September 1715. Known as Louis the Great or the Sun king, was a monarch on the House of Bourbon who ruled as king of France from 1643 until his death. His reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest of any monarch of a major country European history . He was crowned the 7th of June, i654. Louis XIV was married to María Teresa de Austria and Madame de Maintenon. -
Peace of Westphalia
The peace of Westphalia was a series of peace treaties Signed between May and October 1648 in the Westphalia cities of Osnarburch and Muster. -
Period: to
Reign of charles II
Charles IICarlos II of Spain, called "the Bewitched" was king of Spain between 1665 and 1700, the last of the House of Austria. Son and heir of Philip IV and Mariana of Austria, remained under the regency of his mother until she came of age in 1675. His nickname came to him from the attribution of his unfortunate physical condition to witchcraft and evil influences. -
The Treaty of Lisbon
The Treaty of Lisbon of 1668 was a peace Treaty between Portugal and Spain. It was signed at Lisbon on 13 February 1668 through the mediation of England. -
Charles VI
On October 1685, he succeeded his elder brother to the throne. He successfully claimed the throne of Spain as Charles III following the death of its ruler, and Charles's relative Charles II of Spain in 1700. he married Elisabeth Christine of Bronswick-Wolfenbüttel. he had two daughters: Maria Theresa and Maria Anna. He died on 20th of October 1740. -
Period: to
The War of Spanish Sucession
The War of Spanish Sucession was a European conflic of the early 18 century.The war lasted from 9 july,1701 to 19 august,1712. Archduke charles and philip of anjou faced each other. The war finished with Philip of Anjou victory and with the signing of the treatries of Utrech.Philip of Anjou became Philip V. -
Treaty of Utrecht
The Treatry of Utrecht is a peace Treatry signed by France and Spain.The Treatry concuded a war between the representatives of Louis XIV of France and of his grandson Philip V of Spain.
The Treaty of Utrecht was singed in 1713. -
The Day We Began our Friendship!!!