Period: to
early governers
Governor Arthur Phillip
Governor Arthur Phillip was appointed as governor for NSW in1788 to 1792.Arthur's first decison was to settle in Sydney Cove rather then Botany Bay. He cleared land for farming and had equal relationships with convicts and officers. -
Governor John Hunter
Governor John Hunter was appointed Governor in 1795 to 1800.Hunter made many changes he set fixed daily pay for farming this prevented officers from pourly paying convicts. -
Governor Phillip Gidley
Governor King made many changes. He encourged the developmont of new industries . He expanded the colony in Tasmania. -
Governor Wilam Bligh
Governor Bligh introduced the English currency as the only currency used in the colony he giuded the colony through drought and floods. On the 26 Januarey Macarthur took Bligh as his prisoner and took over the colony this was the start of the Rum Rebelion. -
Governor Laclan Macquari
He started a building program which included hospitals and homes he also made many changes to the treatmnt of the convicts he also ended the Rum Rebellion. -
Governor Thomas Bribane
He made many changes to the colony he set up the Eagle Fram he semt Oxely to find mortan bay for convicts. -
Surveyor Jhon Oxley
In 1823 brisbane sent Oxely to find a new site for convicts he found Mortan Bay. -
Period: to
early goveraors
Todays Brisbane
Bribane is now the Capital city of Queensland Every dy thousnds of people go to Brisbane their has been a lot of changes to Brisbane.