Ferdinand Marcos

  • Marcos Elected President

    Marcos Elected President
    Ferdinand Marcos was elected as the 10th president of the Philippines, 1st president of the fourth republic and, 6th president of the 3rd republic in 1965. Most citizens were glad about how the election had turned out, as he had guaranteed develop in the social and economic state of the countries.
  • Marcos Re-election

    Marcos Re-election
    Marcos was re-elected for his second term as president. Although, not many people were too happy with this as President Ferdinand Marcos's first term was violent, and he was manipulative. Twelve candidates ran for president, however ten of those were nuisance candidates.
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    First Quarter Storm

    Stocks dropped, the Peso weakens as the economy gets worse, food and oil prices raise while things get worse for Marcos which make his people unhappy. These were a few symptoms of a revolution, protests are held by student activists who boycotted his re-elections. With back and forth fighting from the students and the authorities several protesters were left injured.
  • Battle of Mendiola

    Battle of Mendiola
    As student protests carried on in Mendiola street, near Malacañang Palace, it started to get out of hand as the protesters gained control of a firetruck and used it in attempt to ram the gate of the palace. This ended with 4 students killed by the police.
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    President Marcos used this event to execute the idea of a parliamentary system so he could keep his power and stay as president. However, Marcos's plan was unsuccessful and voted down.
  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

    Bombing in Plaza Miranda
    This bomb attack occurred during the political campaign rally of the Liberty Party in Plaza Miranda. This bombing caused 9 deaths, and lead Ferdinand Marcos to suspended Habeas Corpus (the police could arrest any suspects without warrant). President Marcos's actions were based on who was running the event...the communists, which is a win win for him since he looks good in front of America and he gets to get rid of possible threats as they may go against him.
  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino / Jose Diokno

    Arrest of Ninoy Aquino / Jose Diokno
    Two strong Filipino senators, Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno, who were a quite powerful opposition of the Marcos government were arrested. By sending both of these dominant people away he eliminates some problems and threats he may face during his presidential reign. Marcos's oppositions were overpowered and he wanted to be a new influence to the country, threatening them with jail.
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    Marcos had officially declared martial law on September 23, 1972 but said that they have been enforcing it 2 days ago. He had filtered media, entertainment, and many more. The country soon developed with benefits such as; more foreign investors, less crime rate, increase in stocks, a "new society" with discipline. The military kept their loyalty to Marcos and was his main source of power, they were bribed went against human rights during this time period.
  • Imelda Assassination Attempt

    Imelda Assassination Attempt
    During a outdoor event in Pasay City, Carlito Dimahilig aimed to assassinate the first lady Imelda Marcos during her National Beautification and Cleanliness Contest awarding ceremony. He had carried a bolo and continuously stabbed her which required Imelda to get 75 stitches. His attempt was unsuccessful and was seen by many Filipinos. Aquino stated, “...I wish they put some kind of yellow ribbon, or some kind of a nice thing. Why such an ugly instrument?” Dimahilig was then shot soon after.
  • Marcos Constitution Ratified

    Marcos Constitution Ratified
    Marcos took this opportunity to hold a similar event to the First Constitution Convention in 1971, however, this event did not include his powerful counteracts as he has arrested them. This gave Marcos a higher chance in succeeding to a presidential parliamentary leading him to a longer duration of power.
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    Ninoy Aquino Hunger Strike

    In order to protest the inequity of his trial, Ninoy had announced that he would be going on a hunger strike. Only eating salt tablets, sodium bicarbonate, amino acids, and two glasses of water a day, Ninoy had loss about 40 pounds and grew weaker everyday. After 40 days of his hunger strike he decided to end it due to the pleading he received from family, priests, and friends.
  • LABAN Party Founding

    LABAN Party Founding
    The LABAN party was founded with a goal to win the first elections held by Marcos under martial law. One of the candidates in the party is Ninoy Aquino who was in jail and sentenced to death, though if Aquino won he would be discharged from jail. Marcos used how he put Aquino in jail as guilt by association as he put him in jail at the same time he did with other communist.
  • Noise Barrange

    Noise Barrange
    The noise barrage, a new form of protest in Metro Manila, was organized by the supporters of the LABAN party. This protest conducted of countless participants and their instruments to make the loudest noise possible in order for the government to hear them.
  • Ninoy Aquino Heart Attack

    Ninoy Aquino Heart Attack
    Ninoy Aquino suffered from a heart attack while serving his time in prison. While in the hospital, Imelda Marcos visited him and told him that the United States offered to send him to the U.S. for surgery if he promised to return and not to speak ill of the government while in the U.S. He arrived at America on May 11, and had the surgery May, 13.
  • Marcos Elections

    Marcos Elections
    To extend his term for 6 more years, President Marcos held another "Presidential Election" which was boycotted by his oppositions and led him to run against little known politicians.
  • Aquino Assassination

    Aquino Assassination
    Ninoy Aquino had travelled to multiple states in order to avoid any attention, when returning to the Philippines. He was aware of the risks he took coming back despite that, he wanted to fight for the Filipinos who were unable to voice their opinions. Unfortunately, even having to wear a bulletproof vest, when he came down from the steps off of the plane he was shot. The airplane arrived in Manila International Airport, which is now called Ninoy Aquino International Airport.
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    Confetti Revolution

    Confetti Revolution. A new kind of protest using confetti that was held after the death of Ninoy Aquino as the Filipinos were furious. This revolution finally contained bystanders (businessmen, and the lower class) and students, who were usual protesters.
  • Ferdinand Marcos calls for Snap Elections

    Ferdinand Marcos calls for Snap Elections
    After receiving criticism from a US reporter in an interview, Marcos had announced the Snap Elections. All parties would only have 60 days to campaign. Cory Aquino and her vice president Doy Laurel was nominated by one million individuals to run for the LABAN party versus Marcos along with his vice president Arturo Tolentino who runs the KBL party. After the KBL party had won the oppositions, election community and vote counters all walked out in despair. Aquino had called for a rally.
  • Enrile and Ramos Defect the Marcos Regime

    Enrile and Ramos Defect the Marcos Regime
    Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos barricaded themselves in Camp Crame together with several other soldiers after turning against President Marcos. Tons of people showed up after Cardinal Sin had announced the message to support the rebel groups to make Marcos leave. This part of Marcos’s presidency was the convalescence since this revolution had ended his regime.
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    EDSA Uprising

    Cardinal Sin had encouraged all Filipinos to defend the rebel soldiers based in Camp Crame on the radio in Metro Manila. All the supporters were empty handed, they had linked arms to protect themselves, with their goal to make Marcos withdraw from his presidency. This was a national widespread movement so the army joined in. Marcos sent troops to crush the rebels and when they turned against him, he let them chose their side. This was one of the most remarkable revolutions.
  • The Marcos family flees the Philippines

    The Marcos family flees the Philippines
    On the fourth day of the EDSA uprising Marcos along with his family were forced to leave the Malacañang palace by their long time ally, the US. They were transported by the U.S. Air Force C-130 planes to Guam and then to Hawaii. Imelda Marcos had over 2700 pairs of shoes in her closet.Marcos had been accused of about US$300-million to US$1-billion as he avoided foreign investment from America and other countries.