Donald Driver

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    He always had to keep changing schools because his mom wanted to travel.
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    They moved so much that the step dad said he was staying and they left him even though he was becoming good friends with donald.
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    When they moved he got to a new neighborhood and Donald and his brother became drug dealers and his job was to sit on the curb and yell a code word when the cops came.
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    while he was a drug dealer one of his friends found out where he hid them which was in a tennis ball and pulled a gun on him and stole it.
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    When they didn't have enough money they lived in a u haul truck under a bridge and sometimes there grandparents.
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    When they were leaving they met his step dad and he wanted there little brother so they could leave his mom left him.
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    After that he started living with his grandparents and went to school at milby high school.
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    Then he joins the football team and made playoffs.
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    Donald get recruited by lots of colleges but goes to alcorn state because his grandparents want him to.
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    Donald starts dating someone named Tina and then later gets married to her.
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    donald gets a call from the packers saying he will get picked in the 3rd round but they picked him in the seventh round
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    He caught his first touch down pass against the Carolina pastern.
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    Donald wins the super bowl but was injured most of the game against the steelers.
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    Then he goes on dancing with the stars and wins