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Doctor Sleep - most significant events

  • Danny Torrance is born

    The year Danny Torrance was born, the Torrances seemed like the average American family. This would change drastically six years later when the family first visited the Overlook Hotel. What Danny experienced there would traumatize him for several decades coming.
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    The Shining

    The Shining is the predecessor of Doctor Sleep. Jack Torrance and his wife, Wendy, and son, Danny, move to the Overlook Hotel as Jack is appointed for the job as caretaker at the Overlook Hotel. When they arrive at the hotel, Danny learns about his ability to shine from his newfound friend Dick Halloran. After being convinced by the many visions he sees made by the hotel, Jack decides to try to get rid of his wife and son. The murder attempt results in a boiler accident that kills Jack.
  • Danny learns to lock up his monsters

    Shortly after the traumatizing experiences from the Overlook Hotel, Danny struggles to comprehend them. He frequently sees visions of the old lady from room 237, Horace Derwent (the owner of the hotel), and his father coming back to haunt him. His dear friend and shining-user Dick Halloran is contacted by Wendy who is very concerned for her son. He teaches Danny to lock his visions up in secure boxes in his mind which becomes Danny's primary tool for getting rid of his visions when needed.
  • The death of Wendy Torrance

    The cause of Wendy's death in 1999 was lung cancer. Dan shared a very strong bond with her and was strongly affected by her death. Wendy was the only one who could help Dan when he struggled to control his shining as she was the only one he felt safe around. He knew she was dying due to the flies he would see around anyone close to death. Shortly after her death, Dan became an abuser of alcohol as it was his only solution to eliminate the horrors he experienced while the shining was active.
  • Abra Stone is born

    Abra Stone was born with the gift of shining which is the same gift as Dan has. Although they both have the same powers, Abra's powers are greatly superior to those of Dan. The first manifestation of her powers was when she seemingly predicted the 9/11 attacks. Already from birth Dan and Abra shared an unknown bond through their gift. Because of her immense power, Abra is the main target of The True Knot after they learn of her shining power.
  • Danny (now called Dan) moves to New Hampshire

    Dan moves from his old home to New Hampshire wishing for a fresh start. New Hampshire is a big part of the story as this is where many other events take place.
  • Dan gives up drinking

    Alcohol has been a big part of Dan's life since his mother's death in 1999. He uses alcohol as a temporary eliminator of the shining and as an escape from the horrors of his everyday life. As a part of his fresh start, he decides to quit drinking and follow a path to sobriety.
  • Dan becomes "Doctor Sleep"

    After finally obtaining a job, Dan ends up in a nursing home as a special kind of doctor. After suppressing his gift for a long time, he uses his re-emerged abilities to sense when patients are about to die and providing comfort to them with the help of a cat named "Azzie" who is also gifted with the power of sensing patients nearing death.
  • The True Knot is introduced to the story

    The True Knot is an ancient cult of quasi-immortal "vampires" led by Rose the Hat. The members of the cult live on the life force, also known as the "steam", of younglings with the ability to shine. The True Knot is introduced to the story after Abra witnesses the ritual torture and murder of a boy.
  • The True Knot decides to kidnap Abra

    After they contract measles from their most recent victim, The True Knot slowly but surely dies off. After sensing a very powerful shiner named Abra Stone who would cure the measles, Rose the Hat decides to kidnap her to contract her "steam" and cure The True Knot.
  • Dan and Abra meet for the first time

    After discovering that The True Knot is planning to kidnap her, Abra locates Dan through their connection from the shining. He decides to help her and they venture on a remarkable journey together, escaping the frightening claws of The True Knot.
  • Dan discovers that Abra is his niece

    During an insightful conversation with the great-grandmother of Abra, Dan discovers he has a half-sister. This fact explains why Dan and Abra have had such a strong connection since the birth of Abra.
  • Dan visits room 237 once again

    After being told to stay away from room 237 during his stay at the Overlook Hotel when he was five years old, Danny's curiosity took over. What he experienced in the room would traumatize him for a big part of his life. Almost 40 years later he would revisit the room to once and for all face his demons.
  • The final showdown at the Overlook Hotel

    After several kidnapping attempts, Abra and Dan decide to end the conflict once and for all by luring The True Knot to the location where the Overlook Hotel once stood. Here they lie and wait, taking each of the members of The True Knot until only the cult leader, Rose the Hat, is left. After a long psychic struggle versus Rose, Dan and Abra come out of the battle victorious with the help of both the ghost of Horace Derwent and the ghost of his father, Jack Torrance, finally having found peace.
  • The fate of Dan Torrance

    At the end of the final showdown at the Overlook Hotel, Dan starts a boiler explosion with the goal of burning down the hotel once and for all. The last we hear from Dan during the showdown is him talking to a vision of his mother. At this moment his fate is unknown.
  • Rose's 15th birthday

    Three years after the battle with The True Knot, Dan celebrates 15 years of sobriety and attends Abra's 15th birthday party. He warns her about not following the path of alcoholism and violence both he and his father had fallen victim to as it runs in the family. It eventually turns out the whole conversation Abra had been speaking to the ghost of Dan as it is made clear that he did, in fact, die during the final showdown at the Overlook Hotel.