Dion travels to China
This started Dion's journey to meet Gobi pg.1 -
Dion ran his first day of racing
Dion still hasn't met Gobi, it was only his first day of racing and Dion felt alone. Pg. 15 -
Second Day
Dion meets Gobi at the start line, tries to get somebody to take her but no one will. He starts to run and Gobi follows him. Pg.30 -
third day of racing
Dion slept with Gobi in the yurt with all his tent-mates. ran the third day of racing with Gobi. had to carry her through water obstacles. gave her food and water when they reached a checkpoint. Pg. 45 -
Fourth Day of racing
Dion has to run this leg of the race alone, because of temperatures in the desert. Dion is devastated, and tanks the race because he didn't have Gobi for inspiration. Pg. 55 -
Fifth day of racing
again Dion can't run with Gobi because of the rising temperatures. he placed first in this leg, but only by twenty seconds. Gobi had ran out when he was approaching the finish line. -
Feast day
Dion spends the day with Gobi and his tent-mates. Goes to the feast and gets an award. he also had a podium finish. Dion placed second overall. -
Race Organizer loses Gobi
Gobi goes missing in China, and Dion sets up a startup to bring Gobi home called Bring Gobi Home. Dion then gets back on a plane to find Gobi. -
Dion and a group of volunteers search Urumqi
Dion and a group of volunteers search Urumqi for Gobi. after a couple days and a few false alarms, Dion and his group finally find Gobi. Gobi is a little injured. She had her leg ripped from its socket, and a inch thick gash on her head. -
Dion and Gobi are finally together
Dion and Gobi have to stay in China for Gobi's quarantine for a couple months. Gobi made it home on January 16th 2017. Gobi is now living with Dion and his wife Lucja in the UK. -
Dion travels back to Edinburgh
Dion travels back to Edinburgh, to see his wife and get his affairs in order. before he left china he gave Gobi to one of the Race organizers to keep her while Dion gets the paperwork done to bring her to the UK.