
By Blake.H
  • 1079 BCE

    Saul's Birth

    Saul's Birth
    Saul was born in Gibeah, Jerusalem. His dad is Kish.
  • 1041 BCE

    Jonathan Birth

    Jonathan Birth
    Jonathan parents were Saul and Ahinoam.
  • 1037 BCE

    King Saul

    King Saul
    Saul became king but was scared and hid in the luggage. Some people said he is not a good king because he is scared. He heard about Jebish-Gilead and they needed help so he cut up a oxen and send through the tribes asking them to help.
  • 1030 BCE

    David Birth

    David Birth
    He was born in Bethlehem. His father was Jesse and his mother was Nitzevet.
  • 1024 BCE

    David anointed

    David anointed
    David was anointed by Samuel. Now he can become king but he didn't.
  • 1022 BCE

    David and Goliath

    David and Goliath
    David killed Goliath and the Philistines ran away. He got a lot of glory and Saul got mad.
  • 1016 BCE

    Jonathan and David

    Jonathan and David
    He would shot arrows to tell David if his Dad was mad or not.
  • 1010 BCE

    Saul's Death

    Saul's Death
    They were being defeated by the Philistines and Saul went up on a mountain. The archers saw him and wounded him. Saul was injured bad and the Philistines were coming. He told his armor barer to kill him. But he was afraid. Then Saul fell on his sword and died. His armor bearer did the same thing then.
  • 1010 BCE

    Jonathan Death

    Jonathan Death
    He got killed by the Philistines. His bones were buried in Jabesh-Gilead. His father killed himself on the same day.
  • 1010 BCE

    King David

    King David
    David came back to be king after Saul died.
  • 1005 BCE

    David and Mephibosheth

    David and Mephibosheth
    David let him eat at the Kings table. He would live with him.
  • 970 BCE

    David Death

    David Death
    David died in Jerusalem, Israel.