Early life
Charles was born on the 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, England and had amazing suportive parents called Susannah and Robert; but little did they know what was about to come -
Sad times for charles
Charles was living a happy life until his mother ( susannah ) died of a unknown disease. charles tried to leave his stress behind with science -
The love for science
Darwin had this connection for science that no one has ever had before; he got so obsesed with science that he built a science lad in his shed when he was 13 -
Made his decision
When he was 16 he went to cambridge university to be a doctor but it didnt go as plan.The sight of blood made him sick and woozy; charles didnt want to follow in his brother footsteps or his dad so he went to a diffrent university called Edinbrurgh and had the time of his life -
Made his decision
when he was 16 he went to become a doctor in cambrige universty but things didnt go to plan.The sight of blood made him sick and woozy and he didnt want to follow his brother or dad footsteps -
the new chapter of his life
Although he passed his exams to become a vicar he agreed to ride the HMS beagle. After 5 years the trip was over. the trip sailed into south america where the galapagos island is. he named the animals and discoverd them like: iguana,blue footed booby, sally lightfoot crad -
sadly he died heart failure